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//Guys. I had the worst trip of my life. My friend brought over some wěěd and we made edibles. I proceeded to have intense panic attacks for hours, and pass out. I had some insane deep terrifying thoughts, like I was convinced I'd die if I closed my eyes, then I thought I was dead already, then I kept seeing a movie on my ceiling... 0/10 wouldn't recommend.

When you came down to the common room in the morning, All Might was waiting for you, as per your agreement with Aizawa. He was in his buff form, for whatever reason, eagerly waving while your classmates orbited around him.

"So, you're really going to follow me around everywhere?" You asked as you approached.

He gave you a thumbs up. "Yup! Now even more closely, after last night's attack."

"I don't mind," you replied confidently as you strolled outside the dorms with All Might by your side.

"I know you don't, L/N," he replied, and sent you a discreet wink. 

You blushed slightly. Ugh. You wished you could hold his hand, or something. "Hey, All Might, how about we race to the Gym? Bet I can get there faster than you."

He raised en eyebrow. "Alright. What are we betting on?"

"The loser must do whatever the winner says for twenty four hours."

He grinned. "I hope you're ready to lose, L/N."

He didn't wait for you to count down, or anything, before he was gone.


Your plan was to keep up with him for as long as possible, and then swap just before he reached the gym, but you couldn't even see him anymore.


You gathered a coupe of pebbles from the ground and used your other quirk to throw them as far as possible, although you were aware that there wasn't a way for you to win this race.

Still, you gave it your best, and you found yourself in front of the gym fairly fast, only to see that All Might was already there, leaning against the wall and grinning at you. You were the first and only ones there, because everyone else walked.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the loser?" he said. "Do the twenty four hours start now?"

You took a moment to catch your breath before you replied. "First of all, unfair, I didn't count down. Second of all, damn, you're fast. And to answer your question, yes, they do, but we will have a rematch after that's over."

"Oh, sweet!" he said. "So I'll get to tell you what to do for 48 hours. Sounds good to me."

You tsked. "All Might, I'd do anything you tell me regardless of this deal."

He raised an eyebrow. "Really? Then drop down and do a hundred push-ups."

You were silent for a moment, but he didn't budge. "Wait, really? I was thinking more along the lines of getting on my knees-"

"Give me those push-ups, L/N," he interrupted, but you noticed that his cheeks were lightly pink from your tease.

"Fine. Can I cheat and use my rage quirk?"

"I wouldn't call using your quirk cheating. It's a good test of your quirk, to see how quickly you can do a hundred push-ups while using it."

It was very easy to get angry, and it took you only a moment to feel the power flowing through your bloodstream, your veins enlarging.

Doing push-ups was surprisingly easy... You felt like you would launch yourself into the air every time your came up.

When you were on your 50th push-up, Aizawa arrived.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2021 ⏰

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