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You woke up to a dull ache in your head. You grunted loudly and sat up, seeing that you were once again in the infirmary. 

The bed next to yours was occupied by a guy whose whole body was bandaged. The only thing visible was dark, messy hair. Aizawa. You flinched - he was in bad condition.

"L/N, you're awake!" Recovery Girl's voice shook you from your thoughts as you snapped your head towards her, causing slight dizziness and even more pain. You squinted as you tried to grin.

"Hi! It's good to see you so soon, grandma!" you greeted, and Recovery Girl huffed.

"I hope to never see you again, F/N! To go over the limits again, just a day after you went over the limits!" she scolded. You were about to reply when the door opened, and in burst All Might, for some reason wearing his hero costume. 

"I am here!" he announced. Recovery Girl took a newspaper from the table and smacked him over the head.

"Toshinori! Why is a student back so soon?" she scolded, and All Might looked at you apologetically.

"I, uh,-" he started, but you interrupted him.

"I am a hero, Recovery Girl!" you said happily, swinging your legs over the side of the bed and standing up on your wobbly feet, grinning from ear to ear. "I saw someone in trouble, and I had the means to save them - so I did! And I kept my promise, All Might-sensei, Deku would've gone and broken all his bones if I hadn't stopped him!" you announced, and All Might seemed even more apologetic, but still smiling genuinely. 

"That is no excuse to hurt yourself! You weren't hurt by villains, you were hurt by your own quirk!"

"Well, it's not my fault! I can't improve it if I don't practice it!"

"Practice it by not overdoing it, suicidal child!"

You rolled your eyes and glanced at All Might, silently asking for help. He grinned at you and cleared his throat, getting Recovery Girl's attention. 

"Well! Although her behavior was reckless... she did help me. And... I'm sure she has quite a few questions..." he trailed off, his smile faltering. 

"As a matter of fact, I do. You couldn't move, is that right, sensei?" you asked. All Might nodded reluctantly while Recovery Girl stood silently with her arms crossed, seeming pleased with herself.

"Was it because of the smoke that was coming out of you?" you asked. He scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"Uh, well, in a way, yes..." he trailed off. You sighed.

"I know you're hiding something, sensei. You don't have to tell me. And I won't tell anyone, anyways. Just tell me this - does Deku know?" 

"Yes, Midoriya knows," All Might confirmed. You grinned.

"Great! I'll make him tell me!" you announced, and All Might stared at you in shock while Recovery Girl smiled like a maniac. You burst into laughter at his expression.

"Kidding! But he will tell me himself. That boy has no self-control, All Might. I just hope - I hope you're okay. And I will always be at your service, if my help is ever needed, although I'm sure you're more than capable of handling everything yourself. But just saying. My lips are sealed and my arms wide open," you said, speaking faster and faster as you became more and more awkward. All Might's shocked expression was replaced with a wide grin once more.

"You have proved to be trustworthy, young L/N! And also quite a tease, I get a heart attack every time I speak with you. But you will make a fine hero. I know I'm supposed to scold you, but I'm a bad teacher, and you deserve to praised once in a while, right?" All Might said. Recovery Girl was muttering something under her breath, but he ignored her completely. "Your quick thinking and looking out for your friends are exactly the traits that are valued in the hero business. But not just that - you quickly caught on that something was wrong, and you used your quirk successfully. Although you still need to train it more, and maybe develop new techniques, you are already on a good path." 

I am here! [ All Might x Reader ] ( BNHA ) Where stories live. Discover now