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//Hey! Just a quick piece of information: this is where the story will kind of deviate from the actual events of BNHA: since because of Y/N's quirk and your meddling in in the battle against All for One, All Might didn't lose his power, so he will remain the number one hero and a pro hero, unlike in the anime. Other than that, I will still follow the major plot lines of the show!

As soon as your wounds got treated, you got separated from All Might by some pro heroes and the police, and you were not having a good time. For hours on end you were questioned about what had happened, and the media even broke through police barriers just for the chance to talk you.

The entire world had seen you fight alongside All Might, everyone saw you set up for that finishing blow. You heard your name chanted in the streets along with All Might's... it was... it was a strange feeling. You were truly a hero that day, but still, you felt it was undeserved.

"L/N." You nearly snapped your neck when you turned your head to look at the person who called your name. It was All Might, fully in his true form, his costume ripped and hanging loosely around his body.

"All Might!" you called out happily, eagerly moving away from the police.

"Hey, we're not done-"

"Leave her be," All Might replied, and then looked at you. "I think we need to talk."

You nodded, your expression turning grim.

There was too much to say...

The two of you retreated into a quiet corner of the street, away from the noise.

"How are you feeling, L/N?" he asked as he sighed, sitting down onto the ground. "Shit, he really didn't lie about your quirk. I feel more alive already, just from being near you..."

You smiled. "Yeah. I'm not sure how to answer that first question. To be honest, I haven't processed everything yet. I mean, I just found he's my father, and then had to fight him. It didn't feel like this was my fight at all, All Might. I meant nothing to him. Our biological tie didn't mean anything to neither me nor him. That actually made things easier." You had to stop and take in a deep breath to stop your quirk from activating. "But yeah. I'm sure I'll have a bad time once it all sets in. How are you doing? He really aimed at all your sore spots, didn't he? With your master, with Tomura..."

All Might scoffed, looking down at the ground. "I have been blown away by the support the public has shown me. I am... upset about Tomura. Old wounds about my mentor had been reopened... But I have found new strength within me. I can't give up before Midoriya is ready, but more importantly, I can't give up- because of you. You put all your trust, all your- If I may say so, all your love- into me." He looked up at you, grinning. "I must solidify all that you've put into me."

"Ah, yeah," you said, flustered. You had no idea what he meant by that, absolutely none. "I- I don't quite get what you're saying."

He got to his feet, a different look in his eyes. He got closer to you, and brought his hand to your face, gently taking you by the chin and lifting it up so you could face him. He was standing so close that the wind was pushing the loose material of his shirt into you. Your heart was so loud you thought it might swell up and consume you whole.

"What I meant, F/N, is that- that you make me feel some sort of way. I- I won't make any promises. But we can start with friendship."

Your brain shut off all centers of thought and logic.


"Uh- I- Yes- I- Uh-"

All Might interrupted you with a soft chuckle, before letting go of your face and stepping away.

I am here! [ All Might x Reader ] ( BNHA ) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें