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You woke up feeling like your head had been hit with a hammer thirty-six times.

What even happened last night? How did you get home? You remembered getting drunk and acting like a total fool in front of All Might. You remembered leaving the bar after he barely stopped you from picking a fight with random men. But not anything after that...

Your mouth felt like sandpaper in a desert, but luckily, there was water next to your bed. Did drunk you remember to leave it there for hungover you? Drunk you was usually a selfish asshole, so that was surprising. You gulped it down gratefully, but it barely eased the soreness in your throat.

You got up, glad that you'd changed into pajamas. You opened the door to your room, and were instantly hit with the smell of pancakes.

Pancakes? In your house? The last time that happened was when your uncle was home. Did that mean he was back?

You hurried towards the kitchen as quickly as your hangover allowed it. When you entered the kitchen, however, you were shocked, because All Might in his skinny form was the one flipping pancakes.

"Oh, good morning, L/N. How did you sleep? There's an aspirin on the counter, I'm just making breakfast," he said casually.

You just stated at him with your jaw dragging on the floor.

"All Might - don't take this the wrong way, I am delighted to see you in my kitchen, but why are you in my house?"

"Oh. I brought you home, and decided to sleep on your couch. I hope that's okay," he replied, sliding another pancake onto a plate.

"Oh, of course! Thank you! I don't really remember what happened after we left the bar..." you said, worry gnawing at your gut.

He chuckled. "Oh, don't worry. You didn't do anything embarrassing. You went right to bed."

"Why are you making breakfast?" you asked, your stomach rumbling as you watched him work. Like holy shit, All Might was making you breakfast... How could a man be so perfect?

"I assumed you would like to eat pancakes. What do you usually eat?"

He was making you pancakes because he thought you'd like it? You had to turn your back to hide your blush. "Oh, thank you! I-u-usually eat what's in the fridge, or cereal. Sometimes fruit."

"Let me guess, it's cereal 90 percent of the time," he replied, turning off the stove and turning around to smile at you, making about a dozen butterflies spawn inside your stomach.

"You could say that," you replied, shooting him a grin. You still couldn't believe that All Might was in your house, making you breakfast. Did that mean you were friends? Probably not.

Before he could go on and do everything himself, you rushed past him to set the table, your head giving off painful pangs. Maybe you shouldn't have gotten drunk with a concussion.

"Well, L/N, did you find our date satisfactory?" All Might asked as the two of you finished eating.

"It was amazing! I can't wait to fight you again so I can win our second date," you replied confidently, and All Might grinned.

"Don't get your hopes up. The next time we fight, I won't be weighed down." With that, he got up, and with a puff turned into his buff form. "Well, L/N, I enjoyed your company, but the time has come for me to leave!"

He waltzed over to the door, and you gulped down some water before you rushed to your feet as well. "Bye, All Might, thanks for everything!"

"See you later, L/N," he replied, and opened the door.

I am here! [ All Might x Reader ] ( BNHA ) Where stories live. Discover now