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Everyone left the house except Kei.
Even Jessica, this sorry excuse of a sister is leaving the house to 'see there is anything good around'.
Kei is too lazy to bother with her.

Kei is downstairs and boredly changing channels when his phone rings.

Kei frowns.
"What's wrong with your voice?" He asks after checking if this is the right caller.

Jeremy chuckles.
"It seems my fever got worsen."

Kei sit up straight.
"Are you that sick? Is there anyone with you?"

Jeremy chuckles.
His voice is too raspy.
"Im fine. Just checking out how you are feeling? You didnt have nightmare right?"

Kei sneers.
"Im fine. I didnt get hurt so dont worry about m---"
Kei hears Jeremy coughing away from the phone.
"Im just at home. You want me to come visit you?"

There is dead silence in the other side.


"Will you wear a nurse outfi---"

Kei ended the call.
He sighs and continue changing the channel of the television.


Kei answers.
"Hello Kei? Are you alright?" Its Tyrone.

Kei nods.
"Yeah." -remembering he cant see him.

Tyrone worriedly sighs.
"Maybe its still because of the lingering bad energy around you! Do you still have amulet with you? No. Ill send you one,two, five! Ill send you five amulets!"

"I said Im fi--"
Kei wanted to crush his phone when he hears beeping tone meaning Tyrone ended the call.

Kei sighs and continue watching television.
His phone rings again.

".......Kei, how are you?"


"Ah? You didnt save my number? Its me,Ericson, Jack's brother."

"Ah..Yeah. I didnt remember giving you my number..." Kei said.

"Haha.I ask Jack's for your number. Well, I know we are not that close so sorry for calling you suddenly."

"Its fine. There's no slowly phone call anyways."

"Haha." Ericson said a bit strain.

Kei waited but Ericson didnt say anything.
"Umm? Are you going to say something?"

"Ah...yeah...I heard what happened....To you....Jack is really worried and want to see you but its not that nice to bother you just after what happened."

"Nah. Im not hurt. Im fine. I think he should check out Asher though. That guy is a bit emotional."


Kei waited again and then click his tongue
"Are you going to say something? Dont just stop talking."

"Are you....." Ericson said..."Alright?"

Kei sighs.
"Yeah. Thanks for worrying."

"....hmm...As long as  you are fine." Ericson chuckles. "So...Thats all. Take  more care. If you need anything call me. I am not much but I.....treat you like a brother."

Kei snorts when the  call ended. "Brother..

Kei didnt expect his phone ringing again.

"I guess Im too popular. Even the Great Atlas is calling me." Kei said when he answered the phone.

"Hah! You, how many incident do you want to involve yourself? Do you feel like a television hero?" Atlas is equally annoyed.

Kei sneers.
"Did I ask them to, please kidnap me? Im pretty sure the police can tell Im innocent."

There is a loud noise on the other side.
"You! Is it about the curse? I thought its already broken? Why are you still being haunted?"

Kei pouts.
"Why are you so work out? It doesnt concern you."

Dead silence.

Kei flinched and frowns.
"Old man, you are not inlove with me are you?"

"Damn brat! Who do you think you are talking to?"

"A child's slave Roseburn?"

Atlas clicked his tongue.
"Ill send you some amulet. And  you stay where you are! Cant your father hire bodyguards? Why is he so lax? If he values you, he should do anything to protect you."

Kei sneers.
"Its none of your business."

"Fine. You keep wasting my energy with you. Where are you?"

"Why would I tell you?" Kei angrily said.

"Kid, dont make me angry. Just say it."

"........I.....I care if you are angry?"
Kei asks.

The call finally ended.

Kei shakes his head.

He stood up and went out.
"Ill just visit Jeremy."

He was stop by five men.
"Where are we going Sir? President Wilderburg said he needs to know where you are at all times."

Kei blinks.


Jeremy coughs and sighs.
He touches his neck and continue typing on his laptop.
There's so much to do and he cant just lay down his bed all day.
Even if he is resting, he needs to finish some works.


"What is it?" Jeremy has a serious and cold voice.
It was his normal voice.
Kei was only subjected to this tone a couple times so he frowns.

"I bring you your lunch. The maids said you habent eaten lunch yet."

Jeremy's hand on the laptop froze.
"Kei?" He looks at the door .

"Well, it is I, Kei Wilderburg." Kei rolls his eyes.

"Wait, Ill just take a bath." Jeremy said prepare to groom himself.
Kei kicks his door. Though it didnt open and Kei made a pained groan.

If a single kick can open his door then the Settir will sued the engineer that made their house, right?

Jeremy opens the door and see Kei sitting while rubbing his hurt toe.


Kei looks up.
"You need to drink medicine, why havent you eaten yet?"

Jeremy smiles.
"Are you concern about m---"

Kei slaps the medicine to his face.
"Are you working?"

Jeremy flinched.

Kei sighs and went inside the room.
"I know it! You are in big trouble! Why the hell are you working while you ate sick?" Kei angrily points at the laptop.

Jeremy is still holding the door knob and staring at Kei.
"You can still go out." He smiles.
"You are in big trouble if I close this door." He smiles.

Kei blinks and tilt his head.
Then suddenly he blushes.
"You! You are so full of horny thoughts."

"What kind?" Jeremy grins.

"Kei!" Asher runs inside the open door and hugs Kei.
"I heard from the maid you are here."

Jeremy sadly stares at his brother.

Kei chuckles and rubs Asher's head.
"Good job brownie."

Asher blinks his eyes.
"Did I do something? Well, yeah Im always good." He grins happily.


Nom nom nom..
I want meat......urghhh

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