Which Part

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Kei was brought to a large room. It was actually a high class bar with chairs and tables.
There are some seats on the upper section of the bar. They looks prestigious and also stupid in Kei's opinion.
The people upstairs are looking down at the people from below and quite enjoying it.

Kei feels that those people are troublesome.

"Mr. Astrid invited Mr. Wilderburg. It is really a surprise. We are thinking of extending our offer to Mr. Wilderburg anyways so it's quite a relief."

The woman smirks as her cat-like eyes stare at Kei's entrance paper.
The woman is already a fourth year and the president of this HSC.
Still, Kei is wondering why she is so small. Like a first year highschool student who refused to drink her supplement.
Surprisingly, her body is mature.
'All the nutrients went to her boobs.' He rudely thought.

"We are best of friends. And with Kei, I am no longer ,the only freshman." Tyrone grins.

Kei sighs.

"Oh? Ahaha. Actually there are three more applicants after you so you are five and not just you two."

Kei glares at Tyrone.

Tyrone frowns.
"You said,"

"I thought they would not join so my information is wrong. I am sorry." The president bows. "It is my mistake."

"Ah...No....that's not what I meant." Still Tyrone has a bit of a dissatisfied expression.

"If that is all," Kei takes back his application form. "I don't need to join now." He said.

"Eh? But----"
Tyrone looks at Kei with worry.

"That is----" the woman also looks shocked.

Kei crumples the paper and walks away.

Tyrone runs after him.
"Are you mad? I didn't plan to lie to you. And I really want to be your friend."

Kei sighs and rubs his head.
"Be friends. What's a club has to do with it?"

Tyrone blinks.
He smiles and follows Kei.
"Right! It has nothing to do with us being best friends!"

Kei sighs.
"Being best friends needs time to be cultivated.....it's not some sort of magic."

Tyrone laughs.
"But I don't have any friends. Since you are my first friend, you are my best friend."

"You don't have what?"

"A friend."

"I thought you said you are very friendly?" Kei snorts.

"I am friendly but I only have adults around me. Though they are nice to me..I don't think of them as my real friends."
Tyrone sighs.

"What kind of a mess up princess type story is that?"
Kei glares at him.

Tyrone smiles.
"I am the only child so my parents are very....overly protective." He grins.

Kei stops walking.
"Why the hell are you following me? I'm going to class."

Tyrone smiles.
"Since we are best friend now. I want you to meet my parents."

"Meeting parents?"

"They will be worried if they don't know who is my best friend right?"

"Let's stop being friends." Kei said.

"Ehhh? Why?"

"I don't think I deserve you." Kei said like a prince breaking up with his girlfriend.

FOUL MOUTHED HALF BROTHER (Yaoi)(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now