Chapter 5: Preparation & Banishment

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-General POV-

Sokka looked at Katara and Aang with an angry look in his eyes. His hand tightly gripped the whale-bone spear in them. Katara had never seen her brother angrily like this. 

"Katara, you know just how dangerous it is to go on that ship," Sokka explained with an eerie calm voice, "Right now any Fire Nation ship close by that has seen it will be on alert because of it. Soon we will be having some Fire Nation soldiers visiting us no doubt."

The young waterbender's heart froze in fear and her face contorted in fear. She remembered the last time Fire Nation came to the Southern Water Tribe… they had killed her mother.

"It was all my fault, Katara had nothing to do with it!" Aang came to her defense, "I was the one who convinced her to take me to the ship."

Sokka frowned at that, truthfully he didn't mean to hurt his sister with words so much. He didn't have Sokka's memories so to him any mention of his mother will get the same emotional response as if you told him that a woman on the other side of the world died… complete indifference.

"I understand that," reasoned Sokka, "But Katara should have known better."

Gran-Gran looked at her grandson with surprise, not expecting the young man to handle such a situation with a calm mind. She half expected Sokka to blow up on Aang and Katara.

"Sorry…" said Katara as she looked down in shame. 

Sokka nodded and observed Aang, for the first time, the Airbender felt like there was more to Sokka than his dry sarcasm and jokes. 

"Aang, I am sorry but we can't have someone like you around," he said while maintaining eye contact with the Airbender throughout the whole ordeal, "I hope you understand, you just put our tribe in big trouble. So I have to ask you to leave. At least for now, if the Fire Nation found out that we were sheltering an air nomad… I don't know what they might do to our tribe. We are currently in a bad position, so I hope you don't take this the wrong way." 

"I understand, I will leave." Aang seemed distraught as he turned around to leave.

"Hey! Sokka, don't act like that." Katara came to Aang's defense. "He didn't know that would happen."

"You did." He snapped at her, "Katara, are you so naive as to forget what happened the last time the Fire Nation attacked us!"

"If you are kicking Aang out, then I am going with him to the North to find a waterbending teacher." She insisted, her eyes resolute as she walked towards Aang. But Sokka could see through her like a hawk.

"Katara, are you going to choose him over your family?" Sokka frowns. This immediately stopped the young waterbender and caused her to turn around.

Sokka understood that while Katara was at an age where she could be a little rebellious, he knew that she would stand with her family.

"Sorry," Aang apologized, "Katara, I don't want to get between you and your family."

-Sokka POV-

Watching Aang walk away, I couldn't help but sigh. I didn't want to do something like this, but it was needed. Normally I would be worried for any village who dared house the Avatar, but Zuko isn't necessarily evil and even if he was, Iroh would hold him back. 

Katara seemed like she wanted to say something, but I only put a hand on her shoulder and shook my head. Leaning closer to her I whispered. "Don't worry, we will find him later. But this was needed to be said in front of the others in case the Fire Nation decides to investigate the light that shot up when Aang was freed."

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