Chapter 55: Fate? I can change it.

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(20+ chapters in advance)

Chapter 55: Fate? I can change it.

Aunt Wu narrowed her eyes as she glanced at Sokka, seeing the young man act so uninterested made it clear that he didn't believe in her ability. But that didn't bother her, because Aunt Wu knew her ability to predict the future was right and very accurate. She had learned and cataloged everything that would show her the future and what it meant. 

As the world's best future reader, Aunt Wu felt quite proud of the abilities she had spent so much time trying to perfect. "If you don't want to be here, no one's forcing you to stay."

He shrugged. "Sorry if I sent the wrong message. I am just waiting for my sister to get her future read. I meant no disrespect to you in any way, I'm just very tired due to the journey."

Aunt Wu didn't say anything and just stared at him for around a dozen seconds before turning back to Katara.

Sokka, though he glanced at her every now and then, could see that Aunt Wu was just waiting for him to say something. She was already ready to get into an argument with him. 

But in the end, Sokka didn't like arguing with delusional people. In his eyes, Aunt Wu was just like that, someone with no such thing as the ability to read someone's future. 

Seeing the patience of the young man, Aunt Wu too decided to drop the matter and not pick a fight here. "So, what was your question again, young girl? 

Katara excitedly smiled and said. "Who will I marry?"

Aunt Wu almost sighs in boredom at such a simple question. But that would be unprofessional, and she didn't want to give Sokka a reason to hate her. Just by the look in his eyes, she could tell that he was very protective of his little sister.

"Come to my room, I will tell you," Aunt Wu mentioned with her hand for Katara to follow. 

Sokka was calm, outwardly, but internally he was fuming. He didn't want Katara's mind to be poisoned by thoughts of the future. Thinking about the future too much would make someone forget to live in the present.

Since she was at a young and impressionable age. Katara was quite... open-minded, at things like this. So Sokka was worried that his sister might get too addicted to these fate-predicting things. The feeling of knowing the future can be quite intoxicating. Worse than any drug.

Katara and Wu enter her room, and the young waterbender looks around in curiosity. There were many things in here, but quite a lot less than expected. There was a low hanging table in the room, so they had to sit on the floor.

Aunt Wu seemed to think and gazed at the items around her room. They all seemed like things that one would predict the future with. 

In the end, she chooses a deck of cards and puts them all face down on the table. "Pick two of them."

Katara was nervous and took a deep breath, picking one and flipping it over. It was a crude drawing of a man standing on the moon. "What does this mean?"

"Your love will be a great bender, who will be a lonely man who likes standing in the world with his own two feet," the elderly woman explained with a frown. This was a rare card to pull, and not many in the village had been able to do so. Aunt Wu could see that Katara was dissatisfied and with a sigh, decided to let her pull another one. "Do one more."

The next card Katara pulled over showed a man with two swords in his hand and a spear on the ground. Aunt Wu glanced at the card with a surprised look on her face. "Oh? This is quite surprising, he will be a great warrior too. Pulling those two cards together usually means that your love is some great general, commander, or a weapons master."

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