Chapter 19

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Omashu was quite the grand sight and I could see how such a city survived a hundred years of Fire Nation attacks. 

Aang, Katara, and I landed on the ground and got off of Appa. The ten-ton bison went off to do his own thing while we gazed at the gigantic gates of the city.

"Guys! You won't believe just how amazing this city is! I used to have a friend here who would have us ride down the delivery system slides!" Aang excitedly explained how he and Bumi used to get into all kinds of mischievous activities.

But the original story would have Aang enter here disguised as an old man. But did he even need to do that now? Sure, we could go through all that trouble, but there was another thing we needed. And that was the actual support to try and fight against the Fire Nation. 

King Bumi had an army of extremely well-trained earthbenders that could crush anyone who came in contact with them. Well, that was a little bit of an exaggeration, but should I follow along the same storyline?

No, the answer was simple, the reason Aang won against Ozai was because of a jagged rock that awakened his Avatar powers again. Trusting that will happen again was a hollow hope. Because the chances of that happening were so small that it couldn't be attributed to anything other than luck that Aang won that fight. 

Honestly, it was better to win this fight on something like the Solar Eclipse. Or at least that would be better than the other options. 

"Hehehe~ Sokka, don't I look more my age now?" Asked Aang, having used some of Appa's fur to make a long white mustache and hair for himself. 

I immediately pulled all of that off him.

"Hey -Hey! What are you doing?" Aang questioned me after I took off his wig and mustache.

"We are in Omashu, you don't need to hide here. Instead, I think you should just go in as the Avatar and greet the King. Maybe even request an army, one that will help us defeat the Fire Nation." I advised him, trying to instill in him the mindset that humans should take care of their shit.

Everyone had been waiting for the Avatar for a hundred years that they forgot they could band together and take out the Fire Nation. 

By now it was too late, but as soon as the first Air Nomad massacre happened, then gathered the remaining Monks, waterbenders from both the Northern and Southern tribes, adding that with the earthbenders. Then it wouldn't matter where the allied forces fought, they would win every single time.

It was nothing short of idiocy to wait for the Avatar who they assumed ran away at the time and was still in hiding. 

Then again, the people in this world never solved anything by themselves. The Avatar was always there to keep balance, which was a useless thing. Balance doesn't work with the human race.

It was impossible like trying to burn water. There were countries where people were starving and ones who threw away over 40% of their food. That, sadly, was the reality of the situation. 

The Avatar will eventually get killed permanently. I don't know when it will happen, it could even be with Aang if I changed something drastically or it could be a hundred thousand years from now. But one thing was for sure, the Avatar would fall and humans would go to their natural state of mind. 

The chaos that will arise from the Avatar's death will be like a ladder, allowing them to climb like never before. Unlike spirits who live long, and can gain yearly wisdom, trying to find satisfaction with themselves. Humans were different, we lived shortly, but our existence was like that of a firework.

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