Chapter 48

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A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn
(20+ chapters in advance)

Chapter 48

With Katara by my side, we started 'searching' for Aang while in reality, I was guiding her towards the fortress.

Along the swampy mud, which Katara froze so we could walk on it freely. I saw a small piece of his glider and showed it to her. "It smells like it was burned a little."

She frowned. "Fire Nation?"

"Probably," normally I would joke and sarcastically say 'You think so?' Because it was obviously from the Fire Nation. But I kept these words to myself, knowing that Katara was worried and I didn't want her to feel even worse. 

Still, judging by the footsteps in the swamps there were bound to be some scouts around here. If they get close I would notice in my map and try to walk around them. Still, none had seen us. When I fight with normal humans, I don't plan to use bending, essentially a spear is better anyway, since [Spear Mastery] can deal with humans easily. 

The only reason I used waterbending most of the time was to fight gigantic creatures or those that I needed to keep my distance from.

One day, Katara will come to learn about my bending, probably. But that won't be any time soon, she was already insecure enough about herself, adding that one would make it even worse.

Also, I didn't want our enemies to know my abilities. This was the main reason, but no one needed to know these things.

It didn't take long before we came into a fortress that was a structure made up of multiple stone walls, surrounding a large pagoda tower at the center of the base.

[Pohuai Stronghold]
[A fortress of the Fire Nation, it is used as a major material depot. Its walls are coated with iron to protect it from earthbenders.]

Oh? Observe showed a lot more than I thought it would. Usually, it had limited information in such large structures. But I guess it has been leveling up since I used it quite a lot.

[Katara (Lvl 18)]
[A young waterbending girl. Knows some Waterbending, recently has had a growth spurt in her bending.]

She used to be Level 7 at the beginning of our journey. But it seemed like she had grown quite a lot. Giving her that waterbending scroll wasn't so bad after all. Hopefully, she will be at least Level 50 soon, that way she can be even more helpful in battle and truly stand by my side.

"So what's the plan?" She asked me, knowing that I was the guy who usually handled battle strategies.

There were a couple of hundred soldiers in there and those Yuyan Archers were dangerous even for me. I wouldn't fight such a battle as the chances of me losing were pretty high. Depending on the commander, winning in a head-on battle could even be straight-up impossible.

Using [Map], I checked who the highest leveled person was. Usually, this would be useless as it showed the strongest person and not the commander. But at least I needed to know who to take out first.

[Azula (Lvl 48)]

Oh… now that shows who the commander is. This just became even more troublesome. Azula, if this was the endgame Azula, that was deranged, and without a strategic thought in mind. Then that would be good. 

But this was the smart and ruthless Azula, the one who single-handedly took down Ba Sing Se without an army. She didn't even have the arrogance that could be used against her after she took Ba Sing Se.

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