Chapter 88 - I might be a princess, but am still human

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-Azula POV-

What was I doing? I had no idea. But knowing what would happen if I went back home, it was time for a change of scenery.

Looking at Kuzon's calm face as he was dragged away by the guards, I made sure to keep my demeanor as calm as always.

That guy could read people as if they were open books. Still, seeing how calm he always is, was kind of irritating. 

"Everyone leave, except Ty Lee and Mai," I muttered, making sure to keep my tone icy cold. Though even then, I noticed that people were no longer as scared of me as they used to be.

As expected, the situation was only getting worse. 

Kuzon was right, there was nothing left for me. Chasing after empty bubbles now was useless.

I peered into Ty Lee's innocent eyes and Mai's emotionless ones.

How many people in this world cared about me? I would be happy if there was even one. 

Now that I could fight back if anything happened, I needed to ask my 'friends' if they were really my friends.

"I am planning to run away."

My statement shocked Mai, which was expected. She knew what was implied here, and I wanted her to run away with me.

Her family would face some problems when that happened. So her choice was more difficult than Ty Lee's, whose family wouldn't be influenced that much, and they hadn't had that contact with her either way.

But Mai was a different deal.

"I won't take you forcefully, but when I run off somewhere I don't want you to tell anyone where I might go. Or fight against me."

Well, Mai could try fighting against me, but it wouldn't go that well for her. I had taught both of my friends that lesson when we were young.

"I…" Surprisingly, the one who seemed hesitant was Ty Lee. "Sorry, but if news got out, then my circus crew would be imprisoned. Just for having a relationship with me."

Mai nodded too. "Sorry, Azula, but something like that could spell doom for my family. Especially since my father is someone easily replaceable to the Fire Lord."

Well… seems like no one was with me after all. Even Ty Lee was hesitant to join, this will be harder than expected. It made me feel a little nervous. 

"Do you need some help?" suddenly Kuzon's voice interrupted my contemplation and surprised the two, as he was supposed to be in prison.

His dark clothes, perfect for hiding in the shadows, riddles as he walked into the room, closing the door behind him. There was no sign of struggle, so he had probably taken out the guards before they could even react.

"What?" he asked, noticing the icy gaze I was sending him. "You would have broken me out anyway, right?"

He… was right.

Damn, Kuzon was too perceptive sometimes.

In such a short time, he had probably figured out my plans by now. Erm, how am I supposed to act now? The flamey glow in his eyes showed that he was amused by the situation, and I don't know why but his expression made my heart beat faster. 

I wanted to tie Kuzon up and have him dress in a servant's outfit. He would look good in it, especially with his midsection exposed. No, wait, I need to think clearer, can't let myself be distracted by such devious thoughts.

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