Chapter 37: Schemes of Broken People

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If you want to support me. Chapters in advance in Patreòn
(20+ chapters in advance)

Though Sokka asked her if she wanted to bargain, he had half a mind to her and get the Exp. When he used [Observe] on her, not even the name was shown so she had to be over Level 200 or even 300. At least that was what he predicted.

There was the temptation to have her killed and level up, but he knew that at best he would only get a dozen levels.

Also when killing such an enemy who has hunted him down, it will make him feel happy. But temporary satisfaction or decisions based on emotion weren't something Sokka planned to make.

While killing might unlock a new system option due to leveling up, it would be a stupid decision based on temporary benefits. Sokka knew that, so with clenched teeth, he had to force himself to not kill her and think of the future benefits.

'No, she must become my mule. Since I can't use Skills like [ID Create], leveling up is hard. Also, humans are not the best at leveling up since their levels are too low. Farming them sounded like a bad idea too, as it would have them band together to kill me.' – with a heavy heart, Sokka knew what had to be done.

The Evil Lady probably knew quite a lot of other spirits that he could kill and power level from. 

But then again, the Gias Contract didn’t seem to be unbreakable, what if she finds a method to get reborn? 

Sokka contemplated putting in a clause that stopped her from being reborn or even trying to break the contract. In the end, he only shook his head. Such a strategy might work on other people, but the Evil Lady was smart and cunning. The only thing such clauses would show her was hints on how to break the contract 

She might even use the clause to kill herself and reincarnate. Dangerous people sometimes were dangerously smart too. Sokka knew he was messing around with powers beyond his knowledge, but he was willing to do so, believing in his own effort and growth. He would surpass the Evil Lady by the time she figured out how to break the contract. 

The {Gias} while to others it might seem unbreakable and might bet on it to keep someone like the Evil Lady under control. Sokka already saw the contract as something breakable and it was only a matter of time before she figured out a loophole in it.

So many choices, but also having to weigh the benefits and potential risks made things more complicated. Everything had a risk to it, there was no lying to that, but what Sokka was trying to do is take on a calculated risk where even if he couldn't control the outcome, he could at least predict it. 

In the end, he made the decision that should lead him to faster success. Even if things go bad, by then he should be strong enough to handle it by himself. Scribbling down some clauses that left a lot of loopholes to his benefits, and a couple that the Evil Lady could use. Sokka decided to offer her the contract and immediately, his Luck stopped attacking her and she seemed to move easier, but Gamer’s Mind was still pressuring her. “Sign this.”

She looked at the contract and without contemplating much she signed it and a drop of light, that seemed almost like divine water, flew out of her finger and was absorbed by the paper that rolled and disappeared. 

There were some loopholes that she would think about later and be able to figure out, but this was better for Sokka. Because this way he could at least predict what she would do next.

[You have gained a new Title: Schemer]

[Due to scheming, intelligence increased by 1]

The new title gave him 5 intelligence and wisdom when equipped. But it was better than nothing and when in the future, he might have a mental battle, equipping it will be useful. 

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