Chapter 96 - Starved Sights

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Chapters in advance in Patreòn


(20+ chapters in advance)

Omashu had been taken over by the Fire Nation and there wasn't anything that could be done about it.

"We have to go and save Bumi!" Aang was about to have Appa fly towards Omashu. But Sokka stopped him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Aang, calm down," his voice was sharp like a razor. "Think about it. Bumi was a king the people admired. Killing him would only give the people a reason to be angrier about and revolt.'

Sokka tried to calm him, but Aang seemed reluctant to leave the only friend he had here behind. Though Sokka was worried about another thing, and it was whether Azula had planned something in case the Avatar wanted to save his friend. So with a smile, Sokka told a white lie. "C'mon now Aang, we don't want to give them a reason to kill Bumi. Because if you try and save him, they'll be able to guess what you might be up to."

"But, I can't just-"


Sokka didn't let Aang finish and knocked him out with a chop to the neck. "Wow, that works?" and he grabbed Appa's reins. "Yip, yip," and changed direction, away from Omashu before anyone caught sight of it. "Going in that place is suicide."

"But..." Katara tried to reason, but sighed, knowing that Sokka wouldn't do something like this for nothing.

"We both know how this would end up for Aang, don't disillusion yourself with the truth. Right now we can't afford to play around. Do you think Bumi is the kind of guy to let himself be captured? Even if he did, there's probably a reason behind it. He is a mad genius who held the Fire Nation back for a hundred years." Sokka reasoned, trying to reassure his sister, but since he had his back turned towards her as he held on to Appa's reins, she didn't see his sour expression.

Sokka had his map open and was searching for a place to travel in which he would find Toph. But in the Map, below him, there were some yellow dots.

[Yue Yin Lvl 2]
(Age 8)
(Status: Starving)

[Gna Lvl 2]
(Age 9)
(Status: Starving)

[Kos Lvl 1]
(Age 5)
(Status: Starving)

There were over thirty similar character tags, looking below he saw that it was dry grassland. Clenching teeth, he knew what the logical thing to do here was and how Aang needed to master the four elements faster. "Fuck, what shitty luck. Why did I have to activate the damn Map, now I can't unsee this," he muttered under his breath as he passed the children's position, going to find Toph.

But as soon as he started flying away, Sokka felt a strange feeling in his heart and knew that if he did this, no matter the level of power he reached, he would regret it and think about this if he ran away. So with a tug, he turned back.

"Why are we turning around?" Katara asked, but he didn't answer.

But she got the answer as soon as Appa landed in a dry field, there were corpses all around and the ruins of a destroyed village. Children wandered around, none of them older than ten, their eyes empty and clothes dirty. They were only skin and bones, and Kata covered her mouth as her eyes widened at the horrifying sight before her, Sokka on the other hand stared at her calmly. "Wander around some towns with earthbending tournaments and try to find an earthbending teacher for Aang. Not a normal earthbender, but someone who can feel the earth like Bumi could."

"What about you?" she muttered, unsure of what she was even seeing.

"I am staying here," Sokka answered, for the first time he was going to leave them for real. "Don't worry, after helping them I will come and find you. Just forget what you saw here and continue moving forward."

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