Chapter 57 - I will save them my way!

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(20+ chapters in advance)

Chapter 57 - I will save them my way!

As the volcano started flowing, Sokka immediately went towards the civilians, most were frozen in fear and shock. "Everyone! Move it! Earthbenders, create walls! Don't grab anything, just run!"

That simple shout woke them up, and people started running in the opposite direction. While the earthbenders made walls, he ordered them where to make canals. Sokka made sure to instruct the panicked men clearly, so they didn't mess up.

Aang on the other hand stared at the rushing lava fearfully and swallowed. But he took a deep breath to calm himself. Sokka had told him the plan, and it was to try and hold out as long as they could. So the civilians could escape.

Katara was there to help him too, but she was even less confident in being able to do much here. Because she had very little water to work with and the village well was nowhere near enough water to stop a volcano either. 

Soon, the lava came as a tidal wave and Aang immediately used his airbending to cool off heaps of lava. Earthbenders stood atop the village walls, creating canals and trying to redirect the lava away. 

Katara too had been able to help more than she thought because as Sokka instructed her, she was able to catch any fire debris with water and stop it from hitting the villagers.

Sokka on the other hand instructed and gathered the villagers in one place. Leading the earthbenders to raise a platform higher than the walls and that it would lift all of the villagers.

The shape of the platform was like that of a triangle and it would split the lava wave in two when it hit. Escaping from the village wasn't an option, and Sokka knew that they couldn't get to the sea in time because this village was deep in the mountains.

Instead, what they had to do was resist and fight.

But Aang alone wasn't able to stop all of the lava, and half of the village and a couple of earthbenders die, as debris slides down the mountain as they are pushed by the molten rock.  

Sokka observed this calmly, the screams of the men not bothering him, nor was the smell of melted off flesh. The others were shocked and terrified.

"Keep your mind on the task to be done if you don't want to die!" He once again made sure to say something to keep the people's mind away from what kind of painful death they could have.

This time he wasn't addressing just the villagers, but Aang and Katara too. On the original timeline, the villagers had been prepared so they had been able to somewhat stop anyone from dying. That was due to Aang and Katara manipulating the clouds and making Aunt Wu look at them again.

But Sokka knew that was just a temporary solution. By the end of the episode, people still had trusted Aunt Wu's predictions. So what about when the next volcano came? Would Aang be there each time to save them?

Sokka had made the decision, he will save people his way. Tolerating stupidity was the last thing he would want to do. If he was going to bother saving someone, then he would do it the right way.

Saving them and then letting them die by their naivety again would trump his efforts and make it useless. So even as the hot air licked his dry skin, he never faltered even once. Knowing that if he decided to do something, he will see it to the end.

For a whole hour, Aang continued cooling off the lava around the village. With Katara helping him, and Sokka protecting Katara, cutting anything dangerous that fame within her vicinity. The earthbenders followed Sokka's orders religiously and were able to make a huge contribution to their efforts too.

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