Chapter 68 - Two Sides of the Same Coin

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A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn
(20+ chapters in advance)

Chapter 68

This was a situation Sokka had predicted, though the upcoming Fire Nation attack might end up happening sooner than the original timeline. 

Azula would be a harder opponent, but Sokka welcomed that with open arms. As the people around him were scared and confused, he played along by having a worried gaze as he stared at the dark snow.

By now Katara hadn't even gotten around to convincing master Pakku to teach her. Sokka sighed, it seemed like he would have to take the steering wheel on this one. Because if he let things play along, Azula would take over without much trouble. They would have to escape with Katara learning nothing.

He couldn't allow that. Because then the Fire Nation would become too dangerous to handle. 

What Sokka is playing here was a very dangerous game, like juggling many sharp objects, one mistake and his hand would end up being cut off. But he had to, this way he could at least somewhat control the outcome of events. 

"Hey," Hahn called him over, and by the smirk on his face, it was easy to see that he was up to something. "How about a friendly spar?"

"Hm?" Sokka stared at Hahn for a couple of seconds and a new idea started forming in his head. What he needed right now was control over the outcome, and to get that, he would have to get in close contact with the Military of the Northern Water Tribe. 

Essentially he needed to befriend people in high places. He casually walked towards Hahn, who had a bone spear in his hand. "What do you want?"

Sokka was unbothered as he casually walked towards him. "You wanted a spar right? Well, I will give you one."


Within an instant, Sokka displayed almost supernatural speed, his spear blitzed, becoming unseen to the natural eye and cutting Hahn's bone spear into a over a pieces. 

Hahn looked at his weapon in shock, but there wasn't anything that he could do as Sokka's spear was pointed at his throat. "No matter what trick, scheme, plan, or whatever you pull. It becomes completely useless against absolute power."


Sokka whooped his spear, Hahn flinched, thinking he had been cut. But no, as the wind around him picked up, changing the course of the dark snow around Sokka, so not even one of them touched his body. 

Hahn fell on his behind, his eyes widened in shock as he had never seen anything like this. No matter how hard he trained, the distance between him and Sokka was already something that couldn't be closed. 

The other warriors from the sidelines caught sight of this, but Sokka didn't pay any attention to them, knowing that he had to move things along faster now. Azula's attack would be dangerous, not something like Zhao, who just had his ships charge and fight even during a full moon. He was what people would call, a very incompetent leader. 

It confused even Sokka just how could such an incompetent man rise through the Fire Nation's ranks. Maybe he is just good at listening to orders? Even the high ranks needed someone incompetent, but who would listen to the Fire Lord's orders, with no questions asked, and carry them out no matter what. 

As he walked off, Sokka had a determined look in his eyes. He didn't have the luxury to play around as a harmless and innocent young man anymore. From now on, he had to change… or more correctly, he had to start showing qualities that were needed in a war.

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