Chapter 94 - Stalemate

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Chapters in advance in Patreòn
(20+ chapters in advance)

Sokka put the idea on the back of his mind and planned to experiment with it later.

Unlike others, he wasn't worried about any physical deformity, or anything he might get if this fails, because with [Gamer's Body] he only needs a full night of sleep and most effects will disappear. Still, for now he decided to keep such things for later on in life. 

Sokka didn't want to test just how effective Gamer's Body and what its limit was. Now wasn't the best time to say the least.

Kiwi kept performing its tricks, before suddenly jumping towards Katara and running into her arms shyly.

Sokka smiled at the cute fluffy creature. 

"Spirits love remarkable things," Sokka commented, his eyes closing as he smiled in a friendly manner. General Fong listened to his words carefully. "The Northern Water Tribe likely had a general, or someone from a long time ago, so long that even books don't write about him."

[<Acting> Skill activated]

Sokka made sure to associate this nonexistent legendary figure with General Fong.

People always liked to compare and see themselves as something great, special, and destined. Especially people in a world where destiny seems so prevalent. 

"Honorable Sokka, do you know what things should be done for a spirit to follow you?" General Fong had fallen for a scheme like a fish in water. 

Katara gave her brother a strange look that said: 'You scamming people again?'

Sokka of course ignored such looks from his sister, and instead he played the role of a knowledgeable man and nodded. The nod had a double meaning, both to the General's question, but also to her sister's thoughts that he could clearly read on her face. "Yes, the only way to get a Spirit to become your companion, you must become someone truly revered."

Sokka had no idea what he was spewing out, but with the help of his [Acting] Skill, he seemed confident enough and his words were 'logical' to a certain degree. Also he was the Avatar's friend and companion, people mostly assumed that he knew more than anyone else about the spirit world since the Avatar was the bridge between worlds.

'Everyday I feel the road of a scammer becoming easier to walk. Maybe instead of a Gamer Interface I should have gotten a Scammer System?' Sokka contemplated as he observed General Fong's smile widened as he looked at his hands, clenching them.

The ambition in the man's eyes seemed to burn brightly, like the sun. That was a little worrying.

Of course, the orchestrator of this, Sokka, only smiled politely and drank a small dosage of alcohol.

Katara tried to sneak in and try some liquor too, but he stopped that bad habit before it even started.

He sent her a pointed look, which stopped his sister in her tracks, she pouted. "So what? You're drinking too."

"Do as I say, not as I do," Sokka instructed her with a mock sage-like voice, a small smile making its way on his lips.

"That sounds like something a bad parent would say," Katara wasn't convinced at all by her brother's acts.

Sokka shrugged, not refuting her. The reason he was drinking liquor was to give the illusion that he was more mature than he looked. Of course this wouldn't normally work that well, but he made sure to bulk his body. The original Sokka had a twig-like thin body, but this one had some muscle. Sokka's strength was many times that of an average man, and his body showed that he was more muscular than the average person.

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