Chapter 51

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A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn
(20+ chapters in advance)

Chapter 51

To Azula, Kuzon was a puzzling person. Due to their talk, she knew quite a lot about him, but still, he only became more puzzling. Normally she would have burned someone's face off if they acted like that and made them spill their secrets.

Still, initially, she had thought that he might be a little suspicious. Even after their talk. His identity was revealed that he was a genuine living person of the Fire Nation. Though the information was hard to find, it was still there.

Kuzon was the name of a Fire Nation citizen who was a friend of the Avatar back in the day. His son had gone to become a spy and had later died a natural death during Azulon's reign. It seemed like certain spies never came to her father after Azulon's death, and Kuzon's father was one of them. Kuzon himself was named after his grandfather. 

That was all the information she could get from the person named Kuzon. Currently, Azula has him accompany her on a ship.

"Where are we going? I don't think the Avatar went this way." Sokka said his thoughts while leaning on the railing of the ship, almost about to fall off.

"I heard that you have gotten close to the soldiers,"  Azula uttered, looking at his green clothes with disgust. For some reason, he wasn't wearing the red that represented the Fire Nation. She also knew that threats wouldn't work against him, so she didn't try to persuade him the normal way.

Sokka was able to tell that she just changed the conversation, dodging his question. She knew that he would see through that too. But in the end, he didn't point it out and just shrugged. "Well, it's fun to get to know your underlings a little."

"Let's make something clear here, they are my underlings, not yours. So don't try anything you might regret later." Azula hated to admit it, but the man in front of her was charismatic. There was no denying that he always seemed able to get close to other people easily, even with someone like her.

"Sure, sure," Sokka waved her off. "Anyway, when are we playing the next Liar-Liar Game?"

The Liar Game, that's what they called it. But both knew they said the truth during those times. 

Azula was a little worried about how much she had revealed to him and wanted to gather her thoughts a little. He seemed unaffected by his past mistakes, but she was different. 

"We will pause it for a while," she decided, walking next to him and leaning on the railing. "Why don't you try a new game? Tell me about your father?"

Though Kuzon's father was figured out to be a spy, there wasn't a lot of information on him. Like, what kind of person he was? Such things would be useless to hold within the Fire Nation books. But Azula was curious about it.

"Hmmm~," Sokka thought a little as if deciding what to say and what not to say. "He was a good man. Worked hard, but sadly hard work doesn't equate to a successful, or happy life. He eventually died when I was young, but…"

Sokka gazed at the water with a strange look in his eyes. "He taught me many things from his mistakes. Though I ended up making quite some mistakes myself, either way."

Azula could see that while Kuzon didn't seem sad, there was a strange atmosphere around him. It made her heart beat a little faster, she was genuinely interested in what kind of life he lived. After all, it seemed so opposite of her life. But she wondered, how did it lead to Kuzon becoming like this? 

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