Chapter 52: Forbidden Knowledge

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A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn
(20+ chapters in advance)

Chapter 52: Forbidden Knowledge

Ty Lee looked on at this from the sidelines, her body quaking in nervousness. What she was afraid of was Azula's anger, but also what seemed even more terrifying was that the boy, Kuzon, was strangely calm. 

Ever since she could remember Ty Lee could read people's auras and that was why Chi Blocking came easily to her. But right now she was seeing something strange, normally people's aura would change colors and fluctuate depending on their emotions. 

But Kuzon's aura was strange, his didn't fluctuate even though he should be feeling… something. 

His feelings seemed very calm. Ty Lee imagined that if she could see the aura of an inanimate object, then this was how it should be.

"Uhhh… guys, let's stop fighting. How about being friends?" She nervously intervened, knowing that this might get her in danger but she was worried about Azula too, as Kuzon seemed very strange. 

Azula on the other hand was still enraged and ready to fight him. But hearing Ty Lee's voice calmed her down, so in usual Azula-style, she smiled. "Kuzon, you should be more careful when you speak. Not everyone is as benevolent as me."

Though she said it like that, anyone with half a brain would be able to tell that she was threatening him. Especially since the blue fire covering her hand hasn't calmed down at all.

Sokka ignored all that and just looked towards Ty Lee, with a smile on his face. "Hello there, my name is Kuzon, nice to meet you."

Though the person in front of her felt somewhat strange, she wasn't someone who would judge them just based on that. So Ty Lee waved at him, in her usual energetic way.

-Sokka POV-

This girl… is sharp. Ty Lee always seemed kind of like a dumb girl in the show. But by the way, she was acting, I could tell that she was a little cautious. Usually, she would be more energetic and even hug people, yet she hasn't offered even a handshake. Also, when our eyes meet she looks away. 

Now she either has a crush or is cautious of me. I am more inclined to believe the latter because we just met. Still, there must be a logical reason why she is suspicious.

Many thoughts and facts went through my mind about Ty Lee. Due to increasing my intelligence, I could remember things a little better, so there was one obscure fact that came to mind.

She could sense auras? I think she was able to read my mood.

Oh, now I understood what she was so cautious of. Due to [Gamer's Mind] my aura is probably like stone, always calm, and that skill might even stop her from seeing anything at all. Yeah, I can use something similar to, like [Observe], and suddenly something strange was said on the Observe panel, then I would be suspicious too.

[Due to understanding and comprehending someone's actions and behavior, your Wisdom increased by 1]

I am getting the hang of this thing. It was not a good thing to waste stats on intelligence and wisdom. Because that didn't make you smart or wise, just gave you empty capacity for them. One becomes wiser through life experiences, and smarter by studying. If someone increases their intelligence by using stats, I wouldn't call them smart. Sure they might have the capacity to be, but even in the Gamer Manhwa, the main character wasn't smart.

A calculator without a user was just a piece of junk. 

Well, that was the way I saw things at least. It doesn't necessarily make them true just because I think so, but at least that was the understanding I had of the situation.

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