Chapter 21: Cabbage Merchant

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A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn
(20+ chapters in advance)

Sokka saw the familiar man sleeping on the streets, it was the cabbage merchant. He seemed to have somehow lost his cabbage cart again.

Getting closer to the man, Sokka smiled gently at the pitiful sight. "Oy, you know, if you stopped being so obsessed with cabbages you would be a successful merchant."

He knew that for a fact as in the future the cabbage merchant's company would be the biggest privately owned company in the world. Normally, Sokka wasn't someone who would care for other people, but this guy had some benefits attached to him. If he could get him to his side, then it would be very beneficial. Especially since he planned to develop the Southern Water Tribe in the future and become the leader of it.

"Who are you?" asked the cabbage merchant, his nose red from the cold night.

"Sokka? Are you coming or not?" The guards called him out, trying to get him to come and drink with them.

"Sorry guys, I have to take care of something, I will be back." He waved them off, already having forgotten about what he was going to do before. Because in front of him, he saw a desperate man... one that he could take advantage of.

-Sokka POV-

The cabbage merchant was quite an important character. He would become a powerhouse in the future. As long as he stopped messing around and trying to have his business be involved with cabbages. Though I wasn't exactly overjoyed while seeing Korra, I knew that Cabbage Corp was a very big and key company to the automotive industry.

"I am Sokka, the son of the chieftain of the Southern Water Tribe," though that sounds impressive I didn't have any power. Political or otherwise with that title. People in the Southern Tribe might respect me for being my father's son, but that was it. They were poor people and didn't have the time to listen to what a snot-nosed brat might say. At least in their eyes it would seem like that.

The cabbage merchant didn't know that and looked at me with stars in his eyes. "So? What do you want from me?" He asked with a suspicious frown. "I have no money, so there is nothing you can steal from me."

I wasn't a thief, but if I was, he still had shoes, clothes, and good organs. Though I wasn't a thief, so I won't steal those. But even the poorest person had something that could be
taken away from them.

"I am not a thief," I took out a couple of earth kingdom coins I had gotten from Kyoshi Island, and gave them to him. "It isn't good to sleep in the streets like this."

The man saw the coins and tiredly got up, and quickly put them in his pocket. He looked at the guard's backs as they walked off to go and drink. "Aren't you going with your friends?"

"No," I shook my head, while I would like to see how Lee's relationship ended. There were more important things right now. "How could I enjoy eating and feasting while people were sleeping on the road?"

The cabbage merchant chuckled. "If you keep thinking of the sadness in the world, then you will never be able to enjoy anything."

"I am just a human, so I can't solve the world's problems. But if I can help someone who seems in need of help in front of my eyes, then I see no problem with helping them," the words that came out of my mouth were bullshit.

I would never risk my life or help someone if it wasn't at least a little beneficial to me. Life wasn't a charity, and I wasn't some saint that would go around helping everyone.

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