Chapter 73: Cowards, Family, and Betrayal

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A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn
(20+ chapters in advance)

Chapter 73: Cowards, Family, and Betrayal

Sokka could feel the what he would jokingly call in his first life, the "Courting Death", it revered through energy through the room. These old, one foot in the grave, elderly men were peering at him as if it was an honor to even me to stand here with them. 

'You incompetent fucks, you haven't had a war in at least a hundred years, there is no one here who even knows anything about war. You're isolated as hell and have no idea how the enemy acts. So don't stand here as if you are some experienced old men when you know nothing about war.' 

Sokka's thoughts on the matter were clear, but he still kept a rational gaze and made sure to not show any hostility outwardly, he didn't want the people here knowing just how low he thought of them. 

"Chieftain, we need to wait and see how things play out. We can't just go out there and counter-attack," suggested one of the elders.

"Yes, I agree with this," added another elder in support. "Fighting against them head-on would be too reckless."

Most of the elders agreed, though there were the ones like Pakku, who seemed to be against such a move, the Military Leaders ended up silently agreeing on waiting to see what would happen. 

"That's a genius ploy, they won't do another attack like this since we have taken care of the first initial problem," claimed one of the military elders with a long beard.

When he heard that, Sokka turned towards the aforementioned elder and frowned.

'What did he mean by we? I was the one who took care of it. Are you sure you want to play with me like this old man? Read the room old bastard…'

Sokka glanced back towards the table, which had a map of the North Pole and the seas around it. Some red Pai Sho game pieces were put down to show where the Fire Nation was. 

During the initial attack, many of the leadership personel had died, and Sokka couldn't help but wonder if any competent military officer who at least somewhat knew basic war tactics was still alive.

He clenched his teeth but held in the annoyance that had started bubbling inside of him. 

Chieftain Arnook was waiting for anyone to give any ideas or say something, and Sokka saw this as a chance, standing up and looking each elder in the eye. "Wait? So that's your grand plan?"

Some of the elders stared at him with narrowed eyes. Clearly showing contempt for a youngster to dare speak to them like this, with no respect in his voice.

"Sit down, you don't belong here. The elders are talking."

"As Elder Song said, sit down, outsider. We won't take advice from someone like you. What could someone your age even offer?"

"Then how long are we going to wait? Until the Full Moon is gone? That's what the enemy wants," Sokka took a breath, and didn't let anyone else talk as he continued. "Are you too scared to act? Did fighting against a competent enemy scare you? …Cowards. All of you are cowards."

Why bother to hide your contempt for incompetence? Also, it wasn't like backing down here would offer any benefits. Instead, they would just pawn even more.

The elders fumed in anger, their gazes were blazing with fury. But Sokka didn't stop and insulted everyone. His stare didn't waver either, there wasn't a trace of fear in his eyes. 

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