Chapter 93 - Spirit and Human

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Chapters in advance in Patreòn
(20+ chapters in advance)

As they got closer to Omashu, Appa had to rest after his long flight across the sea. Sokka took this chance to open his Map and noticed that the base with General Fong wasn't too far away.

A certain thought passed his mind, but he dismissed it just as quickly as it came. 

An army, he needed that bad. Sometimes you had to go to the lion's mouth to kill the beast. Or something like that.

But Sokka wasn't trying to come up with a quote, instead, he tried to recall how this episode played out.

Since it had been over a decade since he saw the Avatar, his memories were a little foggy, though the intelligence stat helped somewhat so he wasn't going in blind. Still, being in this world for quite a while now had refreshed his memory.

He knew how General Fong was, and how the old general would threaten Katara's life in the original story. This was due to the man's desperation to have Aang enter the Avatar State and defeat the Fire Nation that way. 

Sokka had already finished his deal with Haku and got the jutsu's detailed descriptions in the chat. He would copy those later to create a skill book, and he had also given the information Haku wanted.  

"There should be an Earth Kingdom base that way," Sokka pointed towards a certain discretion. 

Aang stared towards the horizon but saw nothing, only mountains upon mountains. "I don't see anything."

"That's because you don't have my super eagle, x-ray sight that can see through mountains."

The air monk was confused, tilting his head. He was over a hundred years old, so Sokka understood when sometimes sarcasm flew right past Aang's bald head. 

"He just used a map," Katara sighed. "So don't listen to anything he has to say."

Sokka smirked. "Hey now little sis, don't ruin my fun. There aren't a lot of ways to entertain myself up here. So it's either starting an argument or being sarcastic."

"Or you could just stay quiet."

And just like that, another argument started.

Sokka had an elated smile, his eyes filled with happiness while Katara screamed in anger. 

He was reminded of the times Iroh said that he had quite a twisted sense of humor, and how he amused himself. Sokka couldn't help but agree, the old uncle was right, like always.

Upon landing in the middle of an open space, which was a grand walking road. The Avatar and his team were welcomed happily.

Sokka and Katara stopped arguing too. When alone they might get on each other's nerves sometimes, but as siblings, they understood that publicly fighting would only make them seem divided.

"Avatar!" Suddenly a yell of joy rang out, as a man dressed in armor distinct from the other soldiers came running. He had a long brown beard, and his eyes glistened with hope. "The brave warrior, Sokka, and the beautiful maiden, Katara. I welcome you to this humble camp."

Though the man acted very honored, the place was anything but humble. Great walls stood about, training dummies, and earthbenders littered the place. This was a fortress, and it wasn't something easily dismissed.

Sokka could tell that this was the earthbenders home advantage.

"Hello, General Fong, right?" Sokka stepped forward, clasping his hands respectfully. "I was wondering if we could rest here for the night. Our sky bison is tired, having carried us straight from the Northern Water Tribe to here."

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