Chapter 18

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You know, there are certain kinds of people in the world with certain professions that you know are strong no matter how harmless they might look. Like a certain Fire Nation general that was recognized as the greatest of his time and almost took down Ba Sing Se. Can you imagine just how many battles this man had been into? 

The burst of fire that was heading my way reminded me of that very clearly. I dodged the attack, by stepping to the side, but the fire curved slightly and seemed to chase me like a snake. While the curvature wouldn't seem that impressive, when dodging something you don't expect the attack to change direction and it would have taken me by surprise if danger sense hadn't warned me 0.6 seconds before, giving me just barely enough time to dodge.

I was tempted to use waterbending as it would take them all by surprise. Even Iroh would probably fall for that, but that wouldn't be beneficial. Plus, I liked Iroh, he spared me the first time around and now I was just returning the favor.

Though I could tell now, that he wasn't holding back anymore and was using the environment around him to empower his flames. He burned the leaves around me and was trying to entrap me in flames.

Sadly for him. I had already seen through that and was just playing along. 

"Young people nowadays keep getting stronger and stronger by the day," Iroh complained tiredly.  

But he wasn't fooling anyone here… well, he was probably fooling Zuko and the others. But I wasn't convinced by his act at all.

"Old people should also spend their days leisurely and stop interfering on young people's issues," I retorted, trying to get him to talk. He was like a super high-level Boss on the first floor of the dungeon.

Zuko and ten other firebending soldiers joined in trying to burn me, and I had to move at my top speed trying to dodge them. 

"That's a good idea," Iroh suddenly agreed and stopped attacking. This surprised me, what I said before was just a joke, and didn't think he would listen to it. 

"Uncle!" Zuko yelled out, annoyed by his relative's behavior.

The old general shrugged and massaged his temples. "My shoulders are getting stiff, sadly age catches up even to the mightiest of us."

Damn, I was awe-inspired as hell by this guy. He was able to immediately tell that I wasn't here to try and fight them. Though it's kinda worrying how he was able to read my intentions so quickly. It would be bad if he decided to become my actual enemy. 

Should I just kill them all right here? I could probably do it if I revealed my waterbending. 

No, no, I would do that if I didn't know the future. But I knew that the chances of Iroh becoming my enemy were nonexistent. He was too much of a pacifist for that. The man was more worried about getting his nephew off the wrong path than anything else. 

Now that Iroh wasn't helping the pressure decreased quite a lot and without the man there predicting where I would come from next. My speed was quite a bit impressive. "Don't blink or you'll miss it." 

Kicking off the tree, I flew forward like a cheetah and by using my spear cut up any balls of flame that came towards me.


Within an instant, I had landed in front of Zuko and atop his lizard rhino's head. Which agitated the creature.

"Get off!" The angry teenager yelled and shot a blast of flames at me that I used the but of my spear to point his hand towards the sky before his fire could even touch. Looking around, the firebenders weren't shooting in fear of hurting Zuko.

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