Chapter 33

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Chapters in advance in Patreòn
(20+ chapters in advance)

What Sokka didn't know was that his words stroked a part of their feelings that he never thought about. Compassion, they were putting themselves in his shoes and wondered;  How could such a man be so forgiving?

In their eyes, anyone whose mother got killed by the enemy would make them hateful. Yet the young man in front of them didn't hate them… it made the soldiers feel shame they hadn't felt in their whole lives. They were reminded of their own families.

Sokka had a calm exterior, they knew he had the strength to fight and possibly even kill them all. Yet the man stood there, calm as if he had predicted what had happened.

He was… like a saintly figure untainted by the sins of mortal men. Sokka stood tall and looked at them all with a calm gaze.

-Sokka POV-

Holy shit, holy fuck! I planned in case I fail, but not when I succeed like this. What do I even say here? 

Now that I had all of this momentum, failing now would suck. Well, when you don't know what to say, saying nothing is better than saying anything. 

So I just stayed quiet and looked at them with a serious, but sincere look. These things were so out of my league. How will they react to this gaze I was making?

I had about zero experience with these things. Still, though, I was at least prepared if the people here decided to attack me again. So, with that in mind, I calmed back down. Thankfully I hadn't shown anything outwardly due to [Gamer's Mind]. 

"Should you be apologizing to me?" I calmly stated. "You have done nothing against me. You do not carry the crimes of your fellow Fire Nation soldiers, so you shouldn't carry their guilt either."

That was when I noticed something even stranger. The people had tears in their eyes as they bowed, in forgiveness and regret.


Oy, oy, oy, the Luck stat was supposed to put me in a favorable situation. Why the fuck isn't it working? Because the situation just went way out of my league. 

"Why are you guys bowing?" I asked them, trying to be calm outwardly. The thing I needed the most was information. What were they thinking? This was irrational behavior in my opinion.

"We… we were just blinding ourselves," said one of them. Pulling their head up, I saw that it was a man with a goatee and dark hair. He seemed sad at something. "I thought that as I followed orders… no, that was just my excuse so I wouldn't feel guilty."

So he was just a guy stuck on a battlefield that he didn't want to be in. Most of the military was like this, it was either people who had no idea what they were getting into or those that had no other choice. Though some knew that being in the military would offer a free scholarship. I doubt the Fire Nation offered even the latter.

These fire benders seemed quite aged. So they probably knew to think for themselves. No, it would be more correct to say that they just needed to hear someone say it. 

This was lucky of me to meet all of these people… Luck… was unpredictable. Something that I had barely any control over. The only way I could control it was by controlling my actions and trying to incite a lucky event to happen.

But Luck could be dangerous. Because a lot of people who were considered Lucky sometimes lived a very tragic life. So I have to be careful with it. Especially to stop me from relying too much on luck. 

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