Chapter 10: Aang Goes Home

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Once we arrived at the Southern Air Temples, it was quite a nice structure. Something very majestic, even by modern standard, in a world where skyscrapers exist. The towers that were risen seemed like they were fused with the mountain.

"This is the Southern Air Temple!" Aang pointed at the place as Appa landed on the ground. "But… no one is here…" he looked around disheartened. "Where is everyone? There are no Fire Nation soldiers. So there would always be some Airbenders around…"

I put my arm around his shoulder and asked. "How about you show me those games? Though I can't Airbend, I bet I could beat you."

"I thought you would be hungry by now," commented Katara with a knowing smirk. There wasn't anything that needed to be said between us, we both wanted to distract Aang from any grief he was feeling. 

"You have a bad opinion of your cool brother. If you only knew how cool I was… *sigh*" I shook my head with a disappointed look in my eyes.

"You? Cool? You're the opposite of cool." Katara took the bait and knew what to do. Thankfully this is just us trying to get Aang's mind off things, and she doesn't think of me like that… who am I kidding, Sokka left me with heavy baggage, his sister's opinion of him was about as low as it could go. 

Though every younger sibling thinks of their older sibling as lame, they just knew too much about each other. 

"Cmon now guys," Aang, like the pacifist, always intervene to stop any fight. "Sokka, how about we try those games?"

The game field was just a bunch of poles where the Airbenders could stand and on the opposite side was a target, that was called a goal. It seemed like some kind of football made for benders.

I sat on the opposite side of Aang. "You ready?" he asked, but before I could answer he threw the ball propelled by his Airbending.


I barely was able to dodge the ball, and it hit the goal behind me. "Damn, that's fast." 

"Yeah!" my airbending friend exclaimed in excitement. "Aang 1, Sokka 0."

"I was just getting used to it, Katara, give me my spear," a malicious smirk made its way on my face as my sister awkwardly gave me my spear.  "Aang, let me show you how to win against an opponent who has an advantage against you," my words got his attention and my smirk widened, then I looked in surprise at the sky. "What?! Appa is eating a tree!"

"Where?" asked Aang, turning around. 

With that, I used my spear as a baseball and hit the ball, with Aang distracted he couldn't react in time. "Hey! That's cheating!"

"Yeah, and that's my secret to dealing with opponents who have an advantage against me… just cheat…" I shrugged nonchalantly with a smug look on my face. "Don't be mad that I am just good."

Aang got agitated by that and his fighting spirit fired up. "I will show you how to win fairly."

[Quest: Win Against Aang]

[Compete against the Avatar and win in a long-forgotten airbending game.]

[Rewards: 200 Exp]

For such a difficult task, the rewards were kinda bad. Though it was still just a game of no major consequence so it wouldn't give any big rewards.

In the end, we played for hours and he won with a three-point lead. It was tiring and Aang could get very competitive, maybe because in the begging I was winning, but after a while, he learned my tricks. He didn't fall for the same tricks a second time, and coming up with new tricks for a game I never played before wasn't easy.

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