Chapter 22

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A/N: If you wanna support me.
Chapters in advance in Patreòn
(20+ chapters in advance)

Bumi observed Sokka closely and smirked, seeing that the young man didn't show any sign of being surprised. Though Bumi was now used to him not even showing anything that he felt on the outside. This left the old king reassured that if someone tried to scheme against Aang then he had someone who would be able to pull him out of it.

Taking Sokka over to a special colosseum-like platform, Bumi smiled as he saw the young man just curiously looking around and seemingly wasn't worried about anything. The old king had to admit it, he was a little impressed by Sokka's fearless demeanor.

'But at the same time, such carelessness could lead to incompetence.' - thought Bumi, clenching his fist and causing the ground below Sokka to crack, making him stumble. Within an instant, a pillar of rock shot out of the walls and towards his head. 

With only a slight and noticeable movement Bumi had manipulated the earth to teach the young man that being careless wasn't a good idea, even when the enemy seemed friendly. Unexpectedly, Sokka moved like water, and even though the ground below him shook, his balance didn't and he crouched down dodging the rock pillar.

"Rocks these days seem to fall strangely," Sokka said nonchalantly, smiling at Bumi and walking past the still erect rock pillar. "Don't you think so?"

"Kakakakaka!!" Bumi laughed crazily, he was amused. No, beyond amused. - 'Aang was very lucky to get a comrade like this. Even before I attacked he had sensed the danger. What monstrous instincts.'

What Bumi didn't know was that this was all due to Sokka's [Sense Danger] Skill, which at Level 10 allowed him to sense danger a whole second before it happened. Of course, Sokka wasn't going to tell him that, but he also learned something else. 

'He can not tell what I am thinking or feeling by sensing the earth below him.' - contemplated Sokka. Though never directly mentioned in the series he believed the Bumi was like Toph and could sense the earth vibrations with his feet. This ability gave the people who mastered it another ability, to sense when people were lying or not. 

That was why Sokka had been only telling half-truths and technical truths every time he talked with Bumi. But he didn't feel confident in this yet and would have to make sure that it also worked on Toph too. He suspected that this was due to [Gamer's Body]. 

"What are you waiting for? Jump down." Bumi instructed him and pointed towards the middle of the colosseum-like structure below them.

Sokka sighed and jumped down. Though he and Bumi seemed to be alone, he had a sneaking suspicion that there were guards hidden in these walls. Well, it was a sneaking suspicion until he checked the Map. Which showed that yes, they were hiding in the walls.


Sokka jumped down gracefully, and due to his high Agility, he looked like an airbender to the untrained eye. "If you are going to have me fight, can you give me a weapon?"

"No," Bumi denied his request. "Sometimes you will be left stranded in enemy territory without a weapon. Let's see how you handle it."


Sokka sighed, and shrugged. In the end, he wasn't going to reveal his inventory here just to prove the old King wrong. "Well, who is my challenger then?"

"Challenger? You mean challengers right?" Said Bumi before he walked off and the earth around the colosseum opened up and men in rags came through. They are armed and some amongst them seemed even like earthbenders.

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