Chapter 8: Bros

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As Aang fell off the ship, by using <Observe> I could tell that he wasn't injured. But had entered an unconscious state. 

I kept my eye on Zuko and charged at Aang, trying to stop him from falling on the cold water. Things changed with my presence, I didn't want to take any chances with this. What if the ship's propeller slashed his body to bits? Or even drowning? I didn't want to take a chance on these things.

As I started running, an intense wall of flames blocked my way, the heat almost made my skin blister. But due to Gamer's body, only a small amount of HP is lost. No damage was taken on the outside. I looked at the attacker. 

Iroh, who had been passive most of the time, looked at me with a cold gaze. "Sorry, but I can't let someone like you fight against my nephew. You are too dangerous."

Hm? What did he mean by that? I didn't have time to contemplate that as another blast of fire came my way. I dug my feet in the ground and carefully used the tip of my spear to disperse the fire. I took a lot of damage, and my HP dropped by 15% in one attack.

Iroh skillfully controlled the flames to form a circle, entrapping me. "Stay where you are, young man."

[You have got a new Title!]

"Uncle! We need to take care of him or else he will stop us from capturing the Avatar." I dismissed the notification as Zuko threw a ball of flames towards me. 

With a swipe of my spear, I dispersed the fire, but by doing that, I started noticing the dark scorch marks that had started appearing around my weapon. It was crudely made of whale bones, so it wasn't made to resist flames like this.

"You are good with the spear," Iroh complimented me. "You might not be the best out there, but you are a fast learner."

I didn't take his words seriously, now wasn't the time to contemplate such things. Instead, a small calm smirk made its way onto my face. "Well, it was a pleasure meeting you all."

"Where do you think you will be going? Helping the Avatar is a crime." Zuko narrowed his eyes and snorted. "You will be transferred to our prisons."

I didn't need to answer him. A torrent of water came out and Aang stood in a reverse whirlpool and looked down on us all, his eyes and tattoos glowed ominously. He landed on the ship, his foothold was very stable but his hands moved in a Waterbending stance. Aang's movements were perfect, as they were done over thousands of years. Lifetimes of bending experience were transferred all in this singular moment.

"What's that?" Questioned Zuko before Aang made a ring of water around himself and expanded it, knocking everyone off the ship. Even Iroh was pushed back by the cold water and his flames doused out.

Seeing the torrent of water coming at me too, I immediately knew that Aang couldn't tell the difference between friend and enemy in that state. As the water hit me, it was cold. The next thing I felt was the sensation of falling and saw the cold sea below me.  But by using my spear, and jabbing it into an opening in the ship's metal plates I was barely able to hold on to the side of the ship.

Thanks to Gamer's Body, the cold I felt from being doused in freezing water didn't last too long. But I was now stuck and could only hold into my spear's handle to stop myself from falling into the ice sea below. I pulled myself up and jumped back on the ship by twisting my body and doing a backflip for momentum. I was able to get back on board.

Damn... It was quite amazing how good my body could move. The Agility stat translated to both physical speed and acrobatics too. Something that wasn't necessarily correlated normally, but to the Gamer Interface it's the same.

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