Chapter 87 - Secrets Between Us

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"So? Will my death be painful?" Inquired Azula, as her heavy breathing of panic seemed to slow down.

Why would I kill her? Sure, she saw my waterbending. But I wasn't the kind of guy careless enough to be caught with his pants down.

I have seen enough anime, read enough manga, and watched a lot of movies to know just how cliche that would be.

It a small part of the plan for Azula to catch me with my pants down… metaphorically of course. Keeping a secret from her is dangerous. Because she's smart enough to figure shit out.

Flickering her on the forehead, and making the psycho chick flinch a little in surprise. I went back to work, healing her injuries. Using some of the water I had stole- *cough* borrowed from the pond of the Moon and Ocean spirits. 

Seeing her breathe heavily, dark hair sticking to her to to her glistering skin due to sweat. Azula, if only you weren't a psycho...

"Answer my question at least. How will my death be?" She asked again, this time her thoughts seemed to be a little clearer.

Her wounds closed themselves and I kept working on healing the injury which was my fault.

"I won't kill you," I muttered with the most trying to speak as reassuringly as possible. "Though you might decide to do the opposite to me after the healing is done."

"Heh," she snorted. Back to her shenanigans already. "Of course, I will. Did you think I would just forgive you for lying to me for so long?"

"I guess that's how it is," without saying more I continued healing her, her wound was already closed up, but there were some infected parts.  "By the way, can I at least get good treatment in prison? I still healed you."

"No," she smiled in relief as her injury closed up. There wasn't even a scar left behind. "You're going to the worst prison."

Sitting up in the bed, she kept looking at where the wound used to be, even while threatening me.

She then glanced back at me, a small smile on her face. "You're never leaving my side again."

She was probably joking... right? Because that coming from Azula  could mean many things.

"Being a waterbender saved me in the Northern Water Tribe. Since non-benders got lined up, apparently there was a spy amongst them. Though they didn't find anyone." I tried changing the conversation.

Azula winced at my words and admitted. "That was my fault."

It wasn't because such a thing didn't happen. “What now? Are you going to attack again?”

Azula sighed, “No, that would be suicide. It spared us the first time, testing that again would be stupid.”

She looked regretful at that and clenched her hand into a fist. Azula was angry, but holding it in. 

I tried to think of something to say that would help her but wasn’t able to come up with anything. While I did lie to other people, it wasn’t good to lie to myself, that was why I always made sure to tell myself the truth.

What will happen from now on will be my doing.

"Your father will be enraged at this. You might even lose the heir position."

"Heh," she chuckled as if having heard the funniest thing in the world. "And make Zuzu the heir instead?"

No, this was more than just that. A militarized failure of this caliber isn't something that can just be swept under the rug. Even if someone had somewhat total dictatorship power. Which the Fire Nation didn't, as it had nobles that were powerful too. 

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