Chapter 103

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It didn’t take long for Toph to get a hang of metalbending, showing that while she might be blind, she made up for such a 'weakness' by being the most talented earthbender alive.

But as she was morphing dozens of chunks of metal in her room into different shapes, a bead of sweat rolled down her cheek. Not having a lot of exciting things to do in her life, Toph usually spent it training and learning more about the new art of metalbending.

*knock* *knock*

Suddenly, two soft knocks landed on her door, and Toph, who had been too preoccupied with metalbending used her sensory ability to see who it was.

"Young Lady," the soft, feminine voice of one of the servants rang out. "Your mother has told me to remind you to get ready. Do you need help?"

"No," Toph said. Until lately, servants would dress her up. But after telling her mother that she had memorized the places of her clothing she wanted to try it herself. "I will put on the clothes myself. If there is anything out of place, then you can tell me in the end."

She wore her usual nice clothes and tied up her hair in a nice bundle. Looking at the mirror in her room, Toph sighed, she somewhat knew what she looked like, but was unable to see it for real.

This blindness had made her who she is, so she wasn’t too bothered by it. 

“Will I always live like this, until I get old? In a prison of pity from my parents…” Toph muttered, a strange feeling blossoming in her heart.

The strange young man’s words came to mind, and how he seemed to know quite a lot. Even though he wasn’t an earthbender, he somehow knew more about it than her and was able to correctly theorize metal bending. 

Toph’s hand twitched and from under her bed, a crumble of metal came out. It was the size to comfortably fit in her small hands. Having the metal float in front of her hand, she changed its shape into that of a human, or more correctly, the shape of the man who had helped her reach this level of bending. 

Hiding the figurine in her robes, the door to her room opened and her mother came in. “Oh, Toph, you look so cute. Your memory is also quite good to be able to remember where your clothes are placed. My little girl is a genius!”

She came and hugged Toph, with a delighted smile on her face, and from the vibrations on the ground, Toph could tell how much her mother cared about her. 

This was also one of the reasons why she had a hard time leaving her home, or running away because she could do so whenever she wanted. But knowing that her parents would worry, and loved her so much, she was hesitant. 

When dinner time came around, her family went out for dinner, which it did so each month. A small army of earthbenders and warriors followed them as they went towards one of the famous local restaurants they owned, the Flying Pig.

A three-story restaurant, with lanterns all around the building. The light that came out of the building was so bright that it made it seem as if it was blessed by the sun.

"This place is pretty as always, the best establishment in the Earth Kingdom. Even nobles from all around the world want to come here and visit it," Toph's father told a story about how it was made, something that she had heard thousands of times now, as they got closer to the establishment. Every time they came here, he would always say it with such enthusiasm as if it was his first time. 

Even her mother found it annoying, but she kept her usual smile during the whole story. Toph didn't know why she would do that, if her mother said something, then her father would stop talking about the story. What a weird woman… 

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