Chapter 36: A battle against Fate and Destiny

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Chapter 36: A battle against Fate and Destiny

As the palm of the Evil Lady touched Sokka's forehead, a sense of coldness emanated from where she touched him. It felt like his mind was freezing in a jar of ice. The sensation was extremely painful.


[A powerful existence is trying to read your mind]

[Gamer's Mind is activating at full force to fight off the existence trying to invade your mind]

[Gamer's Mind has labeled the opposing entity as dangerous]

Sokka felt a headache like never before, and it was as if his brain was split in half and electrocuted. Though this all seemed to happen in a split second, to him it felt like hours passed in this excruciating pain. His his head felt like a balloon about to burst.

"Aghhhh!!!" His screams of pain bellowed out of his throat and worried Katara who immediately got ready to attack the Evil Lady as water came out of her punch fluidly. For the first time, without her even knowing herself, Katara was ready to kill someone.

The Evil Lady also known as the Spirit of Strife, if she was to use her full powers, she could easily claim to be one of the strongest spirits out there and she wouldn't be lying either. Her power was something that not many could match. Still, for the first time in her long life, she encountered something she had never seen before.

Her consciousness, which had entered Sokka's mind since it would need to do so to read his mind, stood in a dark and empty space, looking around it was all like a dark mist so thick that she couldn't even see her own hands. She was supposed to be inside Sokka's mind and looking at his memories. But right now, she was just surrounded by a heavy dark mist that seemed almost other-worldly.

"Is his head empty?" She joked, not worried about it too much. After all, in this world, there were very few things that she was worried about. It had been thousands of years since she felt threatened by something, and she didn't believe some weak human without bending could do anything against her.

Suddenly, a bright light shone above her, and the dark mist split, revealing a dark eye looking at her. The pupil of the eyes was the darkest thing she had ever seen that made the black mist seem bright in contrast.

"[Foreign being extermination begins. Gamer's Mind activating on full power inside the user's mind.]" A robotic voice that seemed to come from everywhere around her said. "[Using Luck stat to control the destiny in the user's mind. Chances of success in exterminating the invader: 99.99%]"

"What?" The Evil Lady frowned at the words, a little worried because if she died here then her existence would become like that of a vegetable. A strong spirit without consciousness was just a juicy fruit for others to kill, as in a vegetative state she wouldn't be able to defend or attack anything or anyone. Even moving would be impossible as her consciousness would be exterminated. 

But she soon calmed herself. Being as old as her wouldn't let such trivial things bother her, and instead, she now needed to find a way to get out of here. "Heh, let's see… just how-"

She stopped mid-sentence as her arms started ripping apart, hundreds of years of memories were lost just like that. If someone lost their memories, were they still themselves? That was a question many asked, but she didn't need the answer to that because it wasn't just memories that were destroyed.

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