Dawn Moves Out

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Dawn, y/n, and Mae were sitting on Dawn's bed, with a popcorn bowl in between them. They were having a sleepover.

"Okay. I'll go first." Dawn started after she stopped laughing, "My super sleepover secret is. . . Until I was seven, I had a crush on Smokey the Bear." Y/n and Mae laughed.

"You know he's a cartoon, right? I mean, that's cool if that's what you're into." Mae answered.

"Oh come on, he's cuddly, he cares about the environment, and how cool does "Mrs. Dawn the Bear" sound?" Dawn defended.

"I get it. I had a little crush on Smokey the Bear too." Y/n said. The three girls laughed.

"Okay, Mae, your turn. Tell us your deep, dark secret." Dawn said.

"I can't. I don't really feel comfortable." Mae replied.

"I promise, whatever you say does not leave this room." Dawn said.

"Totally. My lips are sealed." Dicky suddenly said, hanging his head down from the upper bunk bed.

"Do you mind?" Dawn asked.

"Not at all. I love secrets." Dicky exclaimed, "How about you?" He asked, and the girls turned to Nicky who was standing next to the bed in his sportswear, holding dumbbells.

"I'm all ears. And biceps. Time to work the glutes." He said and started squatting.

"This is ridiculous." Mae said annoyed.

"Just ignore them. It works for me." Y/n said and shrugged. She then took some popcorn and put it in her mouth.

"Ooh-hoo!" Ricky exclaimed as he came out of the bathroom, "Ooh, sorry about that. Nature called. And let's just say she had a lot to talk about."

"Gross, Ricky." Y/n said with a disgusted expression on her face.

"How am I supposed to ignore that?" Mae said.

"It's not that bad." Dawn said, and grabbed some nail polish off her nightstand, "Here. Let's paint our nails and forget they're here."

"Gotta chalk up for the three-pounders." Nicky said, took some chalk dust, and clapped his hands together. Then, Dicky started blow-drying his hair.

"Dicky! What are you doing?" Mae asked as Dawn was trying to paint her nails. Y/n was sitting beside Mae, eating all the popcorn.

"I wanna look good in my dreams. And yours." He flirted with Mae, and Y/n chuckled as Mae sighed. Dawn, on the other hand, was getting quite annoyed.

"Still not that bad." She said, hoping to make Mae a little less annoyed.

"Uh-oh! Nature's calling back." Ricky said and immediately ran towards the bathroom. He pushed Nicky to the side to get through, causing Nicky to push Dicky. Because of that, Dicky accidentally pointed his blow-dryer at the chalk dust, and it flew up in the air, covering Dawn, Mae, and y/n.

Dawn looked at y/n, who sadly smiled at her. Then Dawn shared a look with Mae.

"It's that bad."

****Insert intro music****

"Good morning," Anne greeted when Dawn and y/n walked into the kitchen, "Would you girls and Mae like some breakfast?"

"We would, but Mae left hours ago. Right after the boys used her toothbrush to clean out their ears." Dawn said while she was pouring herself a glass of milk.

"Honey, I'm sorry they ruined another sleepover. But look on the bright side, y/n's still here."

"I'm only here because I'm used to them and I don't really care what they do." Y/n replied.

What They'll Say About Us // Nicky Harper x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें