And I Want My Mae B. Back

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Make sure you've read We Want Our Y/n Back before you read this chapter!


Finally, Mae had agreed to hang out with Dawn again. This meant y/n was off the hook, and she could have an extra practice session with the Ickys for their final boss fight.

She was sitting in between Dicky and Nicky, focusing on the TV. But the level they were doing right now, wasn't going that well.

"We're running out of time!" Dicky said in despair as he, his brothers, and y/n were rapidly pressing buttons on their controllers.

"Stop pressuring me!" Nicky replied annoyed.

"That's the game!" Ricky said, and y/n sighed annoyed.

"The Quad Squadron is supposed to be a team! How is it that I'm back and we still suck?"

"You're right. Now get in formation, and let's finish off that hellicarrier!" Ricky replied. And then, the four screamed as they continued to press literally every button on their controllers.

But then, they heard Dawn groan from upstairs. Nicky frowned.

"All that noise for a stupid fashion game? I just don't get girls sometimes." He said. Y/n hit him in his side with her elbow. "Ow!"

But then, she gasped at the TV screen, "Bogey on your six!"

A few seconds later, the music that was coming from Dawn's room became louder, causing the boys and y/n to frown. Ricky sighed and looked up at the ceiling.

"Keep it down up there!" He yelled.

"Keep it down, down there!" Dawn yelled back.

Dicky bent over to the coffee table and grabbed the remote. He increased the volume of the TV, which caused Dawn and Mae to start jumping, the loud thumps annoying the four downstairs.

"KEEP! IT! DOWN!" The four yelled.

They all grabbed cushions off the couch and threw them against the ceiling. It wasn't much help at all to silence Mae and Dawn, but it at least helped their frustration to lower.

That was, until the power went out.

The four on the couch gasped, and angrily looked up at the ceiling.


****Insert Intro Music****

Y/n walked into Get Sporty, running a bit late for her Friday Dine and Dish with Mae and Dawn. This time, they actually invited her, and since she hadn't seen Mae all that much in the past weeks, she agreed to come. Plus, Dawn told her she had some juicy gossip, which y/n obviously didn't want to miss.

But when she walked into the cafe, she saw Mae and Miles sitting next to each other, giggling. Dawn was pacing next to them, juggling three balls as she chanted "Meow".

It made y/n frown.

Then, she saw Dawn bend over to Mae and Miles, say something to them, and walk over to the exit of the cafe. When Dawn finally saw y/n, her face lit up.

"Hey, you're here." She said with a smile, and y/n nodded. But then she pointed at Mae and Miles, wondering what was going on.

"What happened?"

"Miles showed up, turned it into a group hang but they only have eyes for each other. So I left." Dawn explained.

"Didn't you talk to her about it?" Y/n asked, a slight frown on her face.

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