M.D Day

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The squad walked into Get Sporty, all covered in trash.

"Okay, don't take this the wrong way, but, um, you guys look. . ." Josie wanted to say, and sniffed, "and smell like garbage."

"Oh, there's an explanation." Dicky said, "We just came from the doctor's office." The others nodded.

"Today was our yearly checkup." Nicky added.

"Oh, that makes sense." Josie said and smiled, but then she frowned, "No it doesn't." She picked up some trash that fell on the counter, "How does going to the doctor end up like. . . this?"

"Well, in order to really understand, we need to take you back to when we were five."

"We were on the way to the doctor's office when we saw the most beautiful thing we had ever seen." Dawn spoke, and the quads thought back of that enormous cookie tower they saw that day. Y/n didn't know what it looked like, she could only imagine how big it was. "Our Dad told us that if we made it through that doctor's visit without any incidents, they'd buy us the cookie tower."

"Ooh, how'd it taste?" Josie asked.

"They don't know. It's been five years." Y/n replied.

"Five years, five disasters, and five doctors later, we still haven't tasted the sweet, sugary goodness of the cookie tower." Dawn explained, and the boys mimicked an angelic chorus.

"Would you guys stop doing that?" Y/n yelled to top the sound of their singing, and the boys shut up.

"Sorry." Nicky said.

"Wait, so you've been banned from five doctors?" Josie asked.

"Oh, we've been banned from almost every doctor in town." Ricky said. "Dentists, podiatrists, we've even been banned from Dr. Waffles."

"What is that, like, a breakfast place?"

"No, she's a veterinarian." Dawn explained.

"But she does put out those really dry, bone-shaped donuts. Good thing she also puts out a fresh bowl of water." Dicky said, and the others frowned.

"We're no longer welcome there." Dawn stated.

"But this year, no crazy freak-outs were gonna get in our way." Nicky said.

"We've each had our issues, but this time, we also had a plan. And we had y/n."


Earlier that morning. . . .

"Step forward and state your problem." Y/n said, who was holding a clipboard and a pencil. Damiano was standing behind her, with his arms crossed. Ricky stepped towards y/n.

"Every time we go to the doctor's office, I read the medical pamphlets, get convinced I have all the diseases, and freak out." Ricky explained. Damiano sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Solution?" Y/n asked Ricky, trying to ignore her cousin.

"Tablet full of vampire books to distract me." Ricky said, holding up his tablet, "Vampires live forever and never catch diseases."

Damiano scoffed, "Vampires aren't real." He said.

"That's not the point." Y/n replied after she turned to him. She then checked Ricky off the list and turned back to the quads.


"Wait, who's Damiano?" Josie asked and frowned.

"My annoying cousin I live with." Y/n replied.

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