Diary of an Angry Quad

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"Hey, y/n." Dawn greeted after she opened the door, "Thanks for coming over."

"No problem. I wasn't doing anything anyway." Y/n replied, and stepped inside the house.

"Come on, let's go upstairs." Dawn said, and so the two girls went upstairs. When they got to Dawn's room, they heard noises from inside the room. Dawn and y/n frowned at each other.

Dawn opened the door.

"Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!" Nicky said, who was stretching one of Dawn's sports bras as if it was some kind of workout band.

"What? What?" Dicky kept asking, he had a sports bra over his ears. And Ricky had one around his head.

The girls looked at the boys with widened eyes, and the boys looked at the girls with widened eyes. A very awkward silence struck for a few seconds, both parties not knowing what to say.

"T-This is not what it looks like." Ricky said.

"We didn't come in here to play with your workout bands." Nicky added.

"Those are my sports bras." Dawn replied.

The boys all grunted, and Dicky and Ricky immediately removed them from their faces.

"Ew, that was on my face."

"Gross, mine too!" Dicky said he and Ricky threw them on the floor.

"Just go!" Dawn yelled, taking the third sports bra from Nicky, "I have a very long and angry diary entry to write."

Y/n frowned, but she decided to just wait for this argument to be over. She'd ask Dawn what this was bout later.

"Oh, by the way, where do you keep your diary?" Ricky asked as if it was a question his sister would actually answer.

"Yeah, we looked everywhere for it." Dicky added.

Dawn cracked her knuckles, with an angry look on her face.

"Y/n, it's time." She said with a deep voice. Y/n's face lit up.

"I've been waiting for this."


The boys were tied up in Dawn's sports bras. They had left them on the floor outside of Dawn's room, and closed the door while they were laughing.

"That was so much fun." Dawn said between her laughs.

"Yeah." Y/n replied, and the two girls high-fived each other.

****Insert Intro Music****

"Okay, so, why, apart from the sports bra thing, are you mad at your brothers?" Y/n asked. Dawn sighed and sat down on her bed.

"They keep coming into my room to read my diary. Or at least, they want to. I have no idea if they already have." Dawn explained, "But I think we both know they'll do anything to read it."

"Yeah, that's true." Y/n replied, "Maybe we just need to come up with something that'll scare them off."

Dawn suddenly gasped and snapped her finger, "I have an idea. What if. . . I write fake entries about something really weird? Could be about me, or you. Then we'll know if they read it, 'cause they will definitely act different around us."

"That's a pretty good idea. But what will you write?" Y/n asked.

"I don't know. Do you have any ideas?" Dawn replied.

The two girls thought about it for a while. But after a few minutes, they still couldn't think of anything.

"I've got nothing." Y/n said and shrugged. Dawn sighed.

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