What's The Worst That Squad Happen?

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The quads had to spend the weekend at their grandmother's house, so y/n was all alone this weekend. Well, not all alone. She still had Mae.

It had been a week after Nicky and y/n's date, and everything had been going fine. No one knew about it yet, it was still their secret.

They were trying not to be too obvious, so that meant no hugs or holding hands in public where people they know could see them. But leaving cute notes in each other's locker or writing in the other's notebook during class wasn't something others noticed, so that's what they'd been doing.

Now that the quads were gone during the Saturday she usually spent with them, she met up with Mae instead and the girls spent the day at the mall. Y/n really wanted to tell her about everything, but she couldn't. It was too risky.

Today was the day the quads would come back again. Nicky had been texting y/n the whole weekend, keeping her up to date. But y/n still missed him, and Nicky couldn't deny he missed her too.

Heyy, we're home :)

Sooo what time should I come over?

No pls do
It would be fun if you come over

Ahww you can't even go two days without me

I am not ashamed of it


Plus, we still don't have our good behavior present so you can be there when we open it up
Assuming you want to know what it is as well

Of course I want to know
I'll be right there


Y/n opened the door to the Harpers' house. She widened her eyes, staring at the quads who were having a pillow fight. Their hairs and clothes were messy, and they were missing shoes. Even Squishy was playing with a pillow. Y/n frowned.

"What the heck did I just walk in on?" She said. The quads stopped and looked up at her.

"Y/n!" Dawn greeted as her face lit up. She ran towards y/n and hugged her.

"Wow, okay, you were only gone for two days." Y/n said, laughing as Dawn let go of her.

"Sorry, we just missed you." Dawn replied. Y/n and Nicky made eye contact, and Nicky immediately felt his face warm up. He softly smiled and nodded, walking towards her.

"Yeah, we did." He said. Y/n smiled in return.

"So, are you kids ready to behave?" Tom asked, as he, Anne, and his mother walked into the living room. "Oh, hey y/n."


Dawn turned to her brothers, and they all took a deep breath.

"We're ready." Dawn said, and her brothers nodded. Then, they all looked at Squishy, who was still wildly playing with the pillow. "But Squishy might need another minute."

****Insert Intro Music****

"Okay, so you guys just need to behave for another day?" Y/n asked, after the quads explained what had happened. They nodded in response. "If this were about anybody else, I'd say, "Big deal?". But this is about you four. I don't see this going well." Y/n shook her head and crossed her arms.

"Me neither." Nicky said, shaking his head in despair.

"Me neither too." Dicky added.

"Me-" Ricky wanted to say, but Dawn interrupted him.

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