A/N: I need your helppp

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Hello everyone! It's been a while lol, sorry about that :(

I'm gonna have to disappoint you all again, but there will probably not be an update Monday. I've been very busy with school and exams, and haven't had much time to write. I'm working on the next chapter, but it might take a bit longer. . . Sorry!!
(Thank you for all your patience, by the way <3)

However, that's not the thing I need help with. The thing I need help with is the order of the upcoming few chapters. The next episode-chapter (chapter based on an episode) is One Quadzy Summer. If you don't recognize the name that's fine, the only important thing about that episode for now is the fact that it takes place in the summer.

Why is that the only important thing about it? Well, that's because I'm planning to publish a Christmas special with Christmas, and it would not make any sense if I post a chapter about summer and after that (or two chapters later) a chapter about Christmas. That is what I need your help with.

I've got two of my own chapters planned as the upcoming two chapters. To give you a sneak peek because it's taking so long; the first one will be about jealousy, the second one has to do with events that happened during Not-So-Sweet Charity.

After that I thought it'd be fine to post One Quadzy Summer, but that probably means that right after that the Christmas special will be uploaded, which makes no sense in terms of the timeline. So my question to you all is, what do you think I should do? I've got a few options:

Option 1: I publish the upcoming two chapters of my own as planned, but spread across the upcoming few weeks. This probably means I'll either add another chapter of my own, or you won't get a new chapter every week until Christmas. The Christmas special will be uploaded on Christmas of course, and after that I might add another chapter in between or just post One Quadzy Summer. (Which doesn't really make sense for the timeline)

Option 2: I publish as usual as long as it works with my own schedule. This probably means you'll get the two chapters of my own, followed up by One Quadzy Summer (and maybe more), and when it's Christmas I'll upload the Christmas special. (Which also doesn't make sense for the timeline lol)

Option 3: Pretty much option 2, but after publishing the Christmas special on Christmas, I move the chapter to a place in the story where it does make sense (for new readers at least)

Option 4: Anything you all suggest :)

Please let me know which option you prefer! I'll make a decision based on what you all tell me to do and what I think will be best.

P.S: This has nothing to do with any of this but if there is something you really like to see in this story, please let me know! If I like the idea or get inspired because of your suggestion, I'll use it in the story (And give you credits, of course :) )

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