The Tell-Tale Art

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"Nothing says "First day of the new quarter" like a freshly laminated schedule." Ricky said as he, his siblings, and y/n walked into the school.

"Nothing says "I am a nerd" like you being excited about laminated schedules." Y/n replied, and she and the others laughed. Ricky sighed.

"Who needs laminating when you got a hand?" Dicky shrugged and read the written text on his hand, "This period, I have. . . mystery."

"You mean "History"." Dawn corrected.

"No. I have no idea what this says."

"Well, the four of us have art class." Nicky said, and put a beret on his head, "Finally, a reason to wear this beret."

"Plus, art's an easy A." Ricky said. Then, he turned to y/n and Dawn, "But then, for me, aren't they all?"

"Wow, new quarter, same old Ricky, already bragging about his grades." Dawn replied.

"If it's true, it's not bragging. It's just talking."

"Well, it sounds to me like trash-talking." Y/n said.

"No, this is trash-talking: I'm gonna get a better grade than both of you in art class, and then, I'm gonna brag about it." Ricky said. He walked away, leaving Dawn and y/n together in the hallway.

"Sometimes I just want to-" Y/n held her arms in front of her and clenched her fists, clarifying that she meant, "punch Ricky". But Dawn pushed her arms back down.

"I know, I know." She said.

The two sighed, knowing they'd get in big trouble if they would do that. So they'd just have to imagine doing it.

Dawn and y/n's other friends walked into the school, and Dawn smiled. She and y/n walked over to them.

"Hey, are you guys coming to the Student Events Club after school? We really need some ideas for the spring festival."

"Definitely." Mae replied.

"I'll bring chips." Natlee said.

"I can bring some dip." Molly added.

The girls all smiled excitedly.


"I hate that Ricky's trying to turn this into a contest." Y/n complained as she sat down next to Nicky in art class. "I mean, art shouldn't be a contest. It isn't even about the grade."

"Yeah, I agree." Nicky replied, "But you know Ricky."

"Sadly, I do." Y/n replied. She and Nicky laughed. "Oh, by the way, I really like your beret."

Nicky blushed at her compliment and smiled.

"Thank you."

"Pablo Picasso once said that "Art is a lie. . . that tells the truth"." The teacher said, starting the class.

"What does that even mean?" Ricky asked confused.

"Exactly!" The teacher yelled and pointed at Ricky. She handed each of the students a canvas as she spoke, "We all have an artist who lives inside of us, screaming to get out." The teacher screamed.

Nicky and y/n frowned. Why was their teacher so. . . weird? They looked at each other and chuckled.

"So today, I want you to create a piece that expresses you. Your- your hopes, your dreams, your truth." The teacher explained the assignment.

"Oh, can I paint a self-portrait?" Dawn asked.

"Any subject."

"Ooh, uh, can I make something out of food?" Nicky asked.

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