To Be Invited or Not To Be

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The Squad was at Get Sporty, hanging out together. Dicky had been doing bottle flips for the past few minutes, and got 6 perfect flips in a row. He was about to throw another one, as the others watched him closely.

"If he lands this, I'll wear a grass skirt and dance the hula." Nicky promised. Y/n frowned at him.

"Are you actually going to do that?" She asked, not really believing he would.

"If he lands it." Nicky replied. Y/n chuckled, and they both turned back to Dicky.

He threw the bottle, and. . . .


"I never said coconut bra." Nicky said, who was now wearing a grass skirt and a coconut bra over his clothes. The others were all laughing at him.

"Eh, it would look weird without it." Dicky said and shrugged.

"I agree." Y/n said, who was also laughing. Nicky tried to give her an angry look, but he couldn't help but smile whenever he looked at her. "But don't forget the hula. You also said you'd dance the hula."

"Y/n's right." Dawn said, realizing they almost forgot. "Go ahead, Nicky."

They all stared at him, waiting for him to dance. This time, Nicky did keep an angry face when he looked at y/n. But then he sighed, knowing she was right and he did say he'd do that.

"I don't like this." Nicky said, as he started to dance the hula and everyone laughed. Y/n slowly grabbed her phone and started to film him. When Nicky noticed it, he stopped dancing and tried to take her phone from her.

"No!" She yelled and laughed, running away from him with her phone still in her hand.

"I never said you could record it!" Nicky yelled, and he started to chase her.

When he had eventually caught up with her, he tried to snatch the phone out of y/n's hands, but he failed to do so.

"Fine, fine, I'll delete it!" Y/n said, wanting their game to stop since it was already going on for a while. Nicky crossed his arms and watched her delete the video. "Done. It's gone."

"Good." He said.

Then, the two smiled at each other for a second. It were these tiny moments that made y/n's stomach flutter.

"You know, one of these days one of us is gonna beat you and put you in a coconut bra." Dawn said to Dicky, when Nicky and y/n returned to the others.

"Nobody puts Dicky in a coconut bra." Dicky replied sternly. Dawn frowned at her brother, but then turned to her parents when they walked over.

"Hey, kids, we'd like you to meet someone." Anne said, pointing at the girl that was standing next to her. She had brown hair and seemed to be about the Squad's age.

"This is Simone. She's shopping with her Mom." Tom elaborated.

"Hey, Simone!" The Squad said in unison, waving at her.

"Hello. Hey. Hi. Sup. Aloha." She said, greeting them all individually. Nicky frowned when she said aloha while she was looking at him, but y/n laughed.

"Her family just moved here." Anne added.

But the Squad just stared at her and nodded.

"She's about your age." Anne added, trying to get her kids and y/n to take a hint. But they just awkwardly stared back at Anne, not saying anything.

"She doesn't know anybody." Tom added, getting a bit frustrated by the fact that the kids didn't seem to get it.

"Don't rub it in her face, Dad." Dicky whisper-yelled.

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