Jealousy, Jealousy

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Shoutout to @thecoolestusername1 ! I know it's been a while since you gave me the idea for this chapter, but thank you for inspiring me to write this chapter, and thank you for all your support <3 (It's not entirely what you asked me to write but I hope it's close enough :) )

Olivia Rodrigo stans, I summon you:


Y/n went up to her room after dinner with her family. She grabbed her (gaming console/laptop) off her desk and sat down on her bed. She wanted to play some more (favorite game) before going to sleep.

But right when her game had loaded up, her phone chimed. Y/n sighed and put her (gaming console/laptop) down next to her. She grabbed her phone and took a look at her notifications.

Wanna hang out tomorrow?
I feel like we haven't hung out in a while

It was Saturday tomorrow, the day she was usually supposed to be over at the Harpers' house anyway. But she knew Dicky meant "hanging out" as in, "just the two of them". He was right, they hadn't done that in a while. Now that Nicky was her boyfriend, she had been hanging out with "just Dicky" less. She had to admit, she missed it. He was her best friend after all.

And so, y/n smiled and started to type.

Sure, let's hang out
What do you want to do?

Wanna go to the mall?

Lol okay
What do you want to do at the mall tho?

Buy stuff

Okay fair

After discussing what time they should meet up, the two said goodnight. Y/n put her phone back down and grabbed her (gaming console/laptop) again, finally getting to her (favorite game).

However, that didn't last long. Her phone chimed again, but this time, someone was calling her. She sighed and grabbed her phone, but when she read the name on her screen, she smiled.

"Helloooo." She greeted Nicky after she picked up the phone.

"Hiii." Nicky said, "Sorry to disturb you, but I had a question."

"I was about to yell at the person calling me for disturbing my (favorite game). But when I saw it was you, I decided not to do that." Y/n replied, a playful tone in her voice.

"Awww, what am I lucky."

The two chuckled since Nicky sounded like he was being sarcastic, but they both knew he wasn't.

"So, what's your question?" Y/n asked, getting curious as she thought back to the reason he gave for calling her.

"Oh, yeah." Nicky said as if he'd forgotten why he called already, "So I thought, when you come over to my house tomorrow, we can bake that cake you still wanted to bake. I have all the ingredients."

Nicky sounded very excited, and it seemed like he had planned all this out already. So y/n felt bad for having to tell him that she wasn't going to be over at his house tomorrow. At least, not for long enough that she could bake a cake with him.

"Sorry, Nicky, but I'm gonna go to the mall with Dicky tomorrow." She said, "He texted me that he wanted to hang out and since we haven't done that in a while I agreed."

When she finished explaining herself, it stayed quiet on the other side of the line. Y/n frowned since she didn't know if the call had broken up or if Nicky was just being quiet.

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