Feelings and Froyos

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Y/n woke up, the sun shining in her eyes. She grunted, angry at herself that she hadn't closed her curtain properly, which caused her to wake up like this.

"Mannaggia." (Darnit) She mumbled in a sleepy, annoyed voice and rolled from her back to her stomach. She pushed her face into her pillow and grunted again.

She was still tired from the lack of sleep she had had the night before, during the sleepover with her friends at Get Sporty. It was incredibly fun though, and she had a great time.

But sleep was nowhere to be found that night.

She and the girls had played a bunch of games and had gossiped about all kinds of people from their school. They'd also eaten many snacks, causing them to be way too energized to sleep that night.

Y/n reached for her phone on her nightstand, keeping her face stuffed into her pillow. She put her hand on her nightstand a few times, trying to figure out where she'd left her phone. But then, she accidentally pushed it off her nightstand, and it fell on the floor.

"Shit!" She exclaimed and sat up. She immediately covered her mouth with her hand and widened her eyes. This was one of the first times she'd ever actually said a bad word. It was something she probably picked up from Damiano.

But then, she chuckled into her hand. She felt bad about it, but also kind of cool. No one had heard her anyway.

She bent over to the ground to grab her phone, checking if the screen was still alive. Luckily, it was completely fine. She sighed in relief.

She checked the time, ignoring all of the messages and notifications she had. Apparently, it wasn't the sun's fault she woke up because it was actually already 12 pm. Or maybe it was the sun's fault, but it wasn't like it was early.

Y/n gasped and quickly got up from her bed. She ran downstairs, leaving her phone upstairs.

When she arrived in the living room, she found Damiano watching another one of his animes. She cleared her throat as she approached him, causing him to turn his head to her.

"Oh, you're finally awake." He said, and y/n frowned.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You explicitly told me I was not, and to be clear, "MAI E POI MAI" allowed to wake you up." (NEVER EVER) Damiano said, imitating y/n from the day before with a high-pitched and angry voice.

Y/n stared at him for a second, remembering she indeed said it. But then, she grabbed a cushion off the couch and slapped her cousin with it.

"I don't sound like that!" She said, continuously hitting him with the cushion.

"Okay, okay, sorry!" Damiano laughed, trying to hold back the cushion from hitting him again.

Y/n finally stopped hitting him and laughed too. Then, she let herself fall down on the couch next to him with a sigh.

"There's one croissant left in the kitchen. I was going to eat it for lunch if you didn't wake up before 1 pm and never tell you there were croissants in the first place." Damiano admitted, "But now you're here, so you can have it."

"So it was mine to begin with?" Y/n asked, and Damiano nodded. Y/n laughed and shrugged, "Well, at least you're honest."

She stood up and walked over to the kitchen, and opened one of the cabinets. She grabbed a glass and a plate, for her drink and the croissant. After taking the croissant out of the bag, she put it on her plate and filled her glass with (drink you like in the morning).

She walked back over to the couch and put her glass on the coffee table. She sat down next to Damiano again and started to eat.

"That's The Seven Deadly Sins, right?" She asked with her mouth full, pointing her croissant at the TV. Damiano looked at her, a slight frown on his face. He was quite surprised she knew that.

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