What They'll Say About Us

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Hello thereeee

We are going to ignore the fact that I said I'd publish on time and then didn't :)

Anyways for this chapter, it's very important that you know exactly how the last chapter, The Buffa-Lowdown ended.

Have fun reading!

(okay maybe I'm a little bit sorry)

Also, shoutout to one of my friends for helping me with this chapter lol


Y/n's mind was all over the place. Her hands were trembling, and she felt like she wanted to cry. Which for her, was a rare thing. She was freaking out about what just happened.

Dawn knows. And she just walked away.

Is she angry? Of course she's angry. Why else would she have walked away?

I can't just let her leave like that, can I?

Maybe I should follow her.

I know Nicky said not to, but maybe I can just get her to understand. You know, explain everything to her and make sure she's not angry anymore.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

No, I shouldn't.

But maybe just. . . .

UGH! I hate this. . .

Y/n was still hugging Nicky, hoping that that would calm her down. But it wasn't really working. As much as she loved his hugs, she was too upset right now to enjoy it.

She wanted to believe he was right and that she shouldn't follow Dawn. That she should leave her to process this for a while, and then talk to her. Because they both knew like no one else how unfair Dawn could be when she was angry.

However, y/n was panicking. And when one panics, one doesn't always make the smartest decisions.

Y/n let go of Nicky, and looked him in his eyes. She could see he felt bad about all this too. And she knew what she was about to do was something he didn't want her to do, and would maybe make his bad feelings worse. So, she sighed.

"I'm sorry Nicky." She started, "But I have to go after her."

"Please don't." Nicky replied, sighing as well. "It's not going to help. You know Dawn."

Somehow he knew she was too stubborn to listen to him, and that she was going to try to go after Dawn. But he wasn't going to let her.

"But I have to talk to her." Y/n said. And then, she turned around and walked out of the room.

She just left, before Nicky could even try to stop her. She knew just as much as Nicky how dumb this was, but she did it anyway.

Nicky called her name a few times, which y/n tried to ignore as she kept on walking. When she was around the corner, she couldn't hear Nicky anymore.

Where did Dawn say she was going again?

Right, the bathrooms.

When y/n opened the door to the bathrooms, Dawn was indeed there. Apparently, "going to the bathrooms" wasn't just an excuse to leave.

Dawn turned to y/n immediately after she heard the door open, and widened her eyes. She didn't expect y/n to follow her. She didn't want y/n to follow her.

"Dawn, can we please talk?" Y/n asked. She felt her voice tremble as she spoke, clearly afraid of what was going to happen.

"I don't know, can we?" Dawn asked as she crossed her arms. Her voice was angry and bitter. Exactly what y/n was afraid of. "Or are you just going to lie to me again?"

What They'll Say About Us // Nicky Harper x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now