Chapter one

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Novas POV

I just turned 19 and now it's time for that new start I've wanted. I've been working as a nanny for the past year here in England to save to leave. I live with my parents and my 2 younger siblings. I practically raised them myself but I'm not close with either of them anymore. My parents are something but let's not get into that tragedy.

I've been wanting to leave home for so long  and only now do I have the opportunity too. I had been working for a family that are quite well of for the last year looking after there kids. Until now the mother had taken less time at work  so she doesn't need me as often. But she and I are good friends and she knows  how bad I wanna leave. So she offered me a recommendation to her friends. Ones that live close by and very far away. I was really happy and I said yes almost straight away.

I'd gotten an email from a lady called Kirsten she had told me she represents a client that's heard about me and that they like what they see and would like to offer me a full time contact with them. The pays incredible and I'd be living with them. From what Kirsten told me it's 2 kids both under 10 which isn't a problem for me. They wanted to run a background check on me which I was happy for and they also wanted to meet me in person. But that's the kicker. They live in New York. Im from England and that's a long way away. But when I brought that up Kirsten said that the people she works for will pay for my flight and accommodation even if I don't get the job. They just want to meet me in person so I said yes and now we're up to date with my story.

Im currently sat in the airport listening to the most random music in my phone because this is a big job that I don't want to mess up. It's a big opportunity for me. And it's my opportunity to get away from my family and start a new. I need a new start.

I was approached by a lady in a flight attendant uniform and she was smiling at me I was confused I mean I've never been on a. Plane but I don't think they come to serve you before the flight " hi miss Parker?" And I nodded taking my ear phones out to give her my full attention " hi I'm Kennedy I'll be you're hostess for you're flight. If you'd like to follow me so we can get you settled and ready for departure" she gestured to a golf cart and I just nodded I didn't know what the l hell was happening but she knew my name. She didn't speak for the rest of the journey just drove this cart thing. I'd don't see anyone else on these things they were all walking so yes the confusion is getting bigger.

She stopped the cart outside in front of a plane and I looked at it. It's small but yet big and I'm confused why she's brought me here " and this is you're plane" ans I finally found my words " I think you've got me confused I'm not taking a Private plane I can't even afford one" ans she looked at a clipboard and back at me " you're name is " nova Parker?" And I nodded and she spoke again " you're going to New York?" and i nodded again " and you know miss Kristen Howard" and I nodded that's the lady who contacted me " yeh" and she smiled " well then this is you're flight" and I nodded walking after her who am I going to be working for? Like I don't even have this job yet and they got my ass on this plane.

I had a text message from my mum but I didn't open it because why am I gonna ruin this lovely experience that I'll probably never have again. So I took a seat and Kennedy came back with a glass " complimentary champagne" and I took it never turn down free boozs. I mean I'm 18 I can legally drink here but not in America but it's okay I'm not much of one unless it's like this occasion then I'll happily help myself.
The flight was relaxing I just slid back and watched greys anatomy while snacking on everything in sight. I did maybe go overboard with the backs but it's a long flight you can't blame me.

I must have fell asleep because I woke up we were landing. Like we'd hit the ground Jesus I haven't slept that much in ages. " miss Parker?" Ans I shook my head " please that's my mothers name just call me nova" and she nodded smiling " let's get you out of this plane" and I nodded she took me outside to a black car. I saw a lady stood there smiling very wide " nova?" And I nodded " I'm Kristen white we've been talking about the job role" and I nodded shaking her hand " it's lovely to meet you" and she looked me up  and down and smiled " you look a lot like- never mind how about we get you to you're hotel. You'll be meeting the parents Tomorrow for lunch but I'll be down in the lobby to collect you so don't worry" and I nodded while we sat in the car " is there anything I should know before hand?" And she smiled " honestly just be yourself with them. That's all they want I can tell you're a nice girl and I think you'll fit in well" and I smiled " thank you" and she spoke " has anyone told you that you scrunch you're nose when you smile?" And I nodded " I get that a lot actually" and she smiled " you've got a beautiful smile don't lose that" and I chuckled " I've been told I need to smile more anyway" and she nodded " really you seem like a smiley person to me" and I giggled " not really I guess being here is making a change on me" and she nodded " it's a good change. We're here come on" she said getting out. I followed her out and it was like a hotel from the movies I used to watch when I was a kid. Like wow it was so fancy and I was dressed in sweats amazing. " hi I have a room booked under white" and the lady at the front desk gave her a a key. Kristen turned to me and smiled " this is you're key I have to run but I'll call up to you're room when I'm here at 11am tomorrow until then relax order room service and enjoy yourself it's all paid for" and I nkdded trying to keep up she then just walked away and I was left with a key. " miss if you'd like to follow me to you're room" and I nodded great I definitely stand out like a sore thumb. The man had my bags and we went up to the elevator. Everyone inside has suits On and  they looked Rich. Like rich fucking rich. Please do not let anyone notice me. I saw the guy walk out that had my bad so I ran out with him while he chuckled " you're not used to this are you?" And I nodded " is it that obvious" and he nodded " guests don't usually turn up in sweats" and I smiled " well guests usually know where there staying" and he chuckled again " this is you're room enjoy you're stay miss" and I smiled and nodded while going in. He put my bags down and left. The room was massive and it had a living room. I walked around and here was a kitchen and then the bed room with a view of New York. Wow this place looks expensive. I walked into the bathroom which had a bath the size of a jacuzzi. I sighed and went to flop on my bed.

If this is how this family lives then I don't think I'll be complaining.



It's a good book I think

Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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