Chapter twenty two

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Novas POV

" hello would you two like some help" a lady asked me and I could see Scarlett was still very angry and that's not good so I said " we're okay for now thanks" and I was very confused  on where we were because what shop
Is this. But then I was in a shop  and I realised they can't film in this house is yeh it's okay.

Scarlett and I walked around at first to calm her self  after it's as just because I knew so
May shows
She couldn't wait. I was staging a comedy but yeh love the dad jokes and I think I'm
Really funny okay so just let me be. Scarlett had picked up a few things for the  whole  family and one was a new monopoly board and the other was loads  of new clothes  and she  said I wanna feel pretty to look pretty.can't argue with that.

We got out of the shop and Scarlett was very cautious and rightfully so I mean what can we do? They were still there I mean it was less but still. Scarlett took my hand again and dragged me to the car before they could surround us. " I hate that they do that!" She huffed out and I nodded I mean how she deals with them is beyond me. She didn't have trouble getting out because they'd not been infornt of her car which if they were blocking her in I don't think she'd have any issue with runnninh any of them over.

I think she'd think of it as bowling. " right let's go to the office real quickly" and I scrunched my face we've been to her office but she was clearly smirking so what does she mean.

We drove for a little while until we got to a bigger building and she smiled getting out. " come on" she said and o got out to follow her into the place. I didn't know where we were but hey guys right? " what's going on" and she smiled "you'll see" and that's all she said as wel walked some halls and we wlakwd into a room with a few other people. First one I clocked was Lizzie. She smiled wide and then I saw wtf. Why am I seeing Robert Downey junior? And Chris evans?" Why ae we here?" Actually why am I here?

Scarlett smiled and I felt someone hug me as I turned my head back I couldn't see anything because they were taller and my face was covered with there shoulder but I could smell Lizzie. That's so wiwed to say but I know hat she smells like okay.

" what is going on" I asked and Lizzie smiled " well it was a meeting but we're done and I don't know why either?" and Scarlett spoke " because she's a marvel fan and I wanted her to meet the idiots" she said gesturing to the two men. " well hello there" Chris said and Scarlett hit his head " no she's young enough to be you're kid! And she's like my kid so back off" she hissed and he just rubbed his head which made me laugh I'm very much bi but he doesn't need to know that and she's right even if I have very clear daddy issues he's too old and he's a good friend of hers I'd never do that. " yeh Chris hi I'm Robert" he said shaking my hand and I smiled " I'm nova" wait how did I just glaze over Scarlett calling me basically her child? Like wtf. How I mens yeh I'm old enough to be her kid but she sees me as that?

" sorry I'm Chris" he said man's I smiled " nice to meet you" and he smirked " the pleasures all mine" he said and now Lizzie hit his head " will you shut up" and he pouted " what I did nothing!" And she rolled her eyes " ignore him novs he's a big child and a softie he's just a man first" and he nodded " it's my down fall" and rivet tapped his shoulder " it's unfortunate we are men" he said and I laughed wow. My type of humour that. I could see Scarlett finally crack a smile and that made me smile. I'm not going to lie I had a fat crush on Chris as captain America but my points still stand.

But yeh real mcu crush is miss hailee steinfeld. Am I going to tell Scarlett or Lizzie am I hell. I really don't think they'll let me live that down. Not that I'm embarrassed but like the teasing nope

We talked for a while robert is really funny and so is Chris when he stopped flirting. I'm glad he's seems like a good guy and a great friend. " okay I'm getting her out of here bye" Scarlett said and I nodded I think she has another thing for us to do today. " Lizzie come on!" And I turned to see Lizzie grabbing her stuff and coming out the door with us. We got to the car and I sat at the back " now where is it I'm being taken too?" And Lizzie smiled " we're taking you to get a dress for the gala" and i Almost forgot I was going. Scarlett was looking very excited from the front so you know hat I may never get to do this again I can try.

We got to a stir e and this place looked very fancy. And very expensive if I wasn't with famous people I don't think I'd be able to go in. I think they'd kick me out because I can't even afford to look at this place let alone get something from it. " hi we're here for a dress fitting?" Scarlett said and a lady can sip to us " miss johansson And miss Olsen it's an honour which one of you is looking for a dress?" Ans they turned to me while smiled very awkwardly " our nova is" Scarlett said smiling. Our? Our what?

" ooh okay how about we pick some things for nova to try on" and they nodded I can see how excited they are for this.


Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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