Chapter ten

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Novas POV

" okay are we done?"
Colin asked after Scarlett had made him help out things right in the high counter which is funny because she looked not happy that he hadn't done it teh way she had wanted.

" okay how shitt we go get the kids" she said grabbing her keys and walking  my to the door but Colin spoke " or hear me out, or we can just leave them with you're mum and enjoy time alone" and she looked at me with a risked eyebrow " we do have a nova you know?" Colin asked and she's nodded " yes well our nova needs the little brats to do her job" and I nodded she's right I need to know which ones I love me.

I don't get why Colin thinks socks and saddles look good but I won't say anything. About any of it. I'm kinda ignoring the fact I'm about to meet the kids for the first time.

I meannnnn these kids are gonna make or break my job my job is them and wow okay I'm never normally this nervous but again this isn't a normal job is it. " Scarlett you're driving is terrible" Colin said I was sat at the back while they were at the front Colin wasn't driving but he looked back and winked at me he's messing with her and she's letting him " you drive them donut" and I had to hold in a laugh oh this is my type of humour. " I'm heart deeply my love, I'm hurt right here" he said taking her hand and putting it on his chest but she shoved him and galred " you are not funny" and he smirked " nova thinks I am" and she looked at back at me " do you?" And I nodded which she gasped at " I feel betrayed" and I let my laugh out this time " so she finds us both funny" she said with a small smile. The houses around here are different to England. These are designed differently usually the houses in England are all roughly the same in each street but these all just have doors and walls in common. " I grew up in this house" Scarlett said to me as she stopped outside a big house " you grew up well" I said and she looked at me confused " as a child who grew up in a 3 bedroom terrace house-

 " I grew up in this house" Scarlett said to me as she stopped outside a big house " you grew up well" I said and she looked at me confused " as a child who grew up in a 3 bedroom terrace house-

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( for those of you that have not seen them)

- that had damp and mild trust me when I say you grew up well" and I saw them both just stare at me maybe that was too much? But no one else cares whne I talk like that so why would they? I mean I always talk about my childhood. Not everything for obvious reasons but I do talk about. " what?" And Colin spoke " I don't know if I'm speaking for us both but I guess I didn't realise you didn't have a upbringing like we'd assumed" and I nodded but Scarlett spoke " I knew it wasn't great I mean form what you've said but the more you say novs-" and I stopped her " yes it was terrible but it's not the worst of it and I don't hold it against anyone I think it all helps with my job and knowing what kids need" and they nodded " I think it does champ" Colin said patting my shoulder and then he walked ot the house while Scarlett gave me a small smile " I'm here if you need a shoulder" and I laughed " why are you laughing" and I scrunched my face " If I told you everything trust me if need more the one shoulder" and I walked away. I felt like I was gonna cry yet I never let it on. I can't show weakness especially at my job no matter my age I'm still here to work.

Scarlett's my boss and I need to wtavh what I say. Especially when I know when someone offers me comfort I cry. I need to stop putting myself in these positions.

Scarlett's POV

She can't lie for shit. Her face just looked like she was happy and in bothered but her eyes were teary and I could see hurt. I could just see it and I don't know if that's just me or if that's the mother instinct or what but she's hurting and she shut down. She shut down whne I said she could confide in me which is strange. " Scarlett!" And I snapped out of my thoughts Colin was yelling from the door this is gonna have to wait till later.

I got inside and nova was stood with a smile. She's talking with my mother who looks like she's looking into novas soul. " mother" I said and she hugged me. " excuse us nova I just need a word but we can talk in a secound" ans nova smiled " it's lovely to
Meet  you and yes definitely" my mother grabbed my arm and dragged me into a different room " why does that girl look like you?!" Ans I genuinely was taken aback. " does she?" And my mum scoffed yeh I can't lie " Scarlett ingrid you don't lie to me now" and I sighed and took a seat " yes she does I know. I just I don't know anymore mum." And she sighed sitting next to me " tell
Me what you've not told me" and I sighed " we hired a private investigator who found out the baby I had is still alive but that's it. We gave that to the police and they opened the investigation back up. There still looking into how all her files are just missing but with this they know she was taken to England" and my mum scoffed " Scarlett why did you not tell me!" Ans I just groaned " because I didn't know if it was all gonna be anything. Nova is a nanny and well Sarah  a old friend that talked about her and I needed a nanny and then it worked out I guess but when I saw her resume I saw her date of birth and it was when I found out my kid could be alive and yeh nova looks like me and I wanna do a dna test but she only got here and I can't do that" and my mum sighed " you haven't told the girl you think you could be her mother have you?" And I shook my head yeh because novs really would of taken this job if I had. " no I didn't now let it go she's my nanny and she's part of the family because hers are crap" and my mum raised an eyebrow but I can't get into novas life right now we've been in here too long " that's a story for another day let's get out of here so my kids can meet her" and my mum smiled a little " she may be one" she said walking out and I looked at her in disbelief I swear.


I don't know if this made sense

But ermmm let me know if you need me to clarify anything. The reason why Scarlett gave her up will be in a different chapter down the line. But this one just tells you the baby was given up and when Scarlett tried to take it back the baby wasn't on the System.

Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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