Chapter seventy

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Scarlett's POV

" what if they get lost?! My nova can't handle the woods she can't even open a tin of beans" I said pacing back and forward this is how I've been since they disappeared into the woods an hour ago. I'm not being funny I know she needs her time alone but they could tell me there both okay and alive. Instead I'm here pacing and my siblings seem guilty. My mothers old enough to know better and yeh that should calm me knowing she's with my mother but it does not. Her being away from me especially after what just went on is just sending me over yeh edge and I'm freaking out and you can tell and now I just need to shut up I'm giving myself a headache. " what?" I asked them and they all hung there heads low " we should of spoken up for her" and I sighed finally taking a seat. " I should of, I was just shocked. I didn't even register it was my novs she was talking about until novs spoke" and I really hadn't and then I saw her little face with tears and red eyes and I saw red and I knew that I had to have her with me so she knew I'd always be on her side it's no fair that she can't even believe me. And what shocked me was Colin speaking he never ever gets involved with any of this kind of thing but for her he did. He stepped up and did his job. But now it's my turn to hate them.

We've all hated her. And well me and novs every time we're doing fine something goes on and then what do I do? I can't keep saying the same apology she hates the waiting. But I love her and I'd do anything for her. And can her and my mother just come back so I can stop stressing. " hey" Colin said taking the seat next to me with a beer in his hand. I kissed his cheek and smiled " you're daughter huh?" And he went red and I smiled more " she is" and I nodded " I know she is" which made him smile as If I'd say other wise to him.

Novas POV

Wow soooo I'm traumatised I just realised. Add this to the list. It's a long list. Dr lipshits won't believe me with this story on Monday let me tell you that for free.

" you know when she was 10 she would tell me what she was going to name her daughter" and I listened to her talk she's got a voice like Scarlett's just a different accent " she always said she would name her little girl novalie" and I smiled " well she did" and I nodded because yeh she did. " did you tell her to give me up" and I felt her mom still but she spoke " yes and no. I told her it was her choice it's not one  I could make for her. And it wasn't. She is you're mum like I am hers and I made the choice as her mom not to make the choice for her. That's what she needed to do. She had to be you're mom and she had to think what's best for you. And she did and well maybe it wasn't the best thing for you but she coudnt have known. Trust me it's all I thought about but there was  nothing we could of known" and I nodded I never really thought about the fact that she needed to be my mum for that decision. " I remember all the sleepless nights she cried for so many weeks she couldn't even see baby clothes without breaking down" and I looked at  her " really" and she nodded " yeh it got really bad for her she just wanted you. I did ask if there was anyway for you're adoptive parents to let her see you but there was never a response. The numbers never got back to us and well we thought they lived in Washington but they were English. That's why it took her so long because she's been looking in all the wrong places" and I nodded " I wanna go back" I said and she nodded she seemed a little happier I dunno why.

Melanie's POV

It's working. My plan is working. I need my grand daughter and my daughter to stop being stubborn idiots and finally be that happy mother daughters. I love them both and I hate that old bitch for what she said to my nova. But a little part of me is happy that Scarlett stepped up. Even if it was delayed which I'll tell her off for later she went and showed her that she loved her and would protect her. Now that nova knows the fullish story she's wanting to speak to Scarlettz and I honestly it makes me happy seeing them happy.

Novas POV

I could hear Scarlett before I could see her " it's been too long and I'm worried I'm going to look for her" and she turned and saw us and I just felt like I wanted a hug from my mama. So I went forward and wrapped myself rms around her. It's been a very emotional and draining few hours I need this hug from my mom. And she's put her arms around me and pulled me into her. She's holding me and she's let out a sigh " baby" she said and I didn't speak I'm just gonna soak this up. I really wanted to see if I can open up to herbut also this has been such a emotionally draining day for me. Scarlett was there for me but she wasn't too and yeh I just don't know maybe I should figure it all out.

" hey squirt how about we get you fed" hunger said and I nodded with my head still  on Scarlett she was smiling down at me unknown to me because my eyes were closed.


Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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