Chapter twenty nine

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Novas POV

The man pushed me out away from the boat and I started teh thing. I was definitely sweating so bad right now but it's okay no need to just Yano freak out now. Not going to end well if I do will it. Scarlett was smiling at me and she was now next to me " nothing will happen you're safe and you know how swim and if you fall in I'll come and  get you" she said softly and I nodded okay she's right I can swim and I have a life jacket.

I started to move off slowly and then I went a little faster Scarlett stayed by my side " that's it" she said smiling wide " go on nova!" Ans I heard another yell " that's our nova" and I had bo time to blush or think about what they say because I'm actually enjoying this. I got faster and Scarlett wa sgetying happier. " wanna race" she asked and I nodded I think I can do it " I'll go easy on you" she said and I nodded yeh I ain't losing I don't give a monkeys ass. " up to that point" she loved her hand and I nodded okay I can do this. And somehow in the blue because that's all I can remember I did. I got up on it and the jet ski wobbled so I sat my ass back down " I did it!" I yelled and she shook her head amused " yeh yeh dunno how you picked that up so fast" and I smiled " wel Scarlett I'm amazing what can I say?" I shrugged and she laughed. We stayed out for abit longer and then we went back to the boat. Getting off was harder then I thought because it was rocking bjg Scarlett grabbed me ans helped me on. " that's our girl" Robbie said high fiving me and I giggled. Colin used both hands to high give me and Lizzie smiled wide and hugged me " making us proud" she said and I smiled eating a crisp.

We went inside of the boat and sat down at a table the food was amazing like worth it. You know what I just collected as I looked around the table. I'm surrounded by two couples being all in love. I'm the fifth wheel. I'm sorry let me go drone in the ocean real quick.

I may just choke on a carrot nkw for the fun of it because these four are making me sick. I looked over at the chef and he smiled sympatheticly at me. They'd all be loving parents. You can tell obvs I know Scarlett and Colin are but they all would do anything for there own. I don't know why I'm thinking down this path but I am. And I wanna cry now. It's now sun setting outside and eveyone is still eating but I've lost my appetite. " I'm just gonna get some air" i said leaving the table. I went out and sighed I know they can all still see me it's a glass door for fuck sake so I walked around to the front of the boat and sat where we were laying earlier. I can see the sunset properly. It's really pretty actually. I let a tear slip down my face and I brought my knees up to my chest. I feel like shit and I'm ruining a happy day for myself. I heard someone move behind me and then arms aorund me. I turned to see blonde hair and I just leant into her. She didn't say anything but I knew she knew I was upset. And then I felt someone else next to me take my hand. It was soft so it's not the boys.

Scarlett's POV

We were all laughing and having a good time. I love having nova with us. But then she excused her self form the table which confused me she's barely eaten her dessert Ans I know for a fact she has a sweet tooth. And she hasn't eaten much so I'm confused but I saw her walk to the front ans I didn't want her out there alike. I looked at Lizzie who seemed to get what I was doing because we both stood and walked out at the same time without saying a word. We left the boys inside I don't think either of them have a clue what's going on and actually I don't either.

We followed her in the direction she has gone and I saw her sat there. I looked at Lizzie and went straight to her. I got a glimpse of her face and she has a tear rolling down her face. My poor nova. I held her while she laid her head on me. I did look at Lizzie who had a concerned look on her own face that matched mine. She ended up breaking the silver herself " it's a really pretty sunset" she whispered and I hummed with her. She moved slightly o sit up " what's wrong?" I asked and she sighed " nothing" she answered but Lizzie spoke " are you sure?" And she nodded she didn't actually look at us when she spoke just out into the water but we can't push her into telling us what's on her mind. " hey the captains taking us back in now" I heard Colin say from behind us and I nodded. Nova got up and we followed her back k inside. I saw Robbie give her a smile and she returned it. It's like she'd never been upset at all she's just turned it on and off like it menag nkthing. Which maybe it didn't but she was still upset.

By the time we'd gotten home I could see how tired she was. She went straight up to her room without a word which isn't sitting well with me so I'll probably go say goodnight soon. " is she okay? Colin asked me and I shrugged " honestly I don't know" I said.

I knocked on her door and went in she was already in bed and she looked like she was just falling asleep. " hey" I said softly and she smiled " hi" and I smiled back " just wanted to say goodnight" and I saw her face soften " night scarly" she mumbled and I smiled wider " night love"


Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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