Chapter ninety three

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Novas POV

We talked more about just random things after I'd let of what I wanted to say. I'm glad that I got to do it and I'm glad that I feel comfortable enough that I can just say it and know she cares to wnana listen and be what I need her to be. She looks after me and keeps me safe she has fought for me and made sure that I am okay and that I come first.

I can't have  asked for a better mom and yeh she's my mom and I love her. Should I tell her that yeah it not now. I let to much emotion drive me today I can wait longer for it. She's gonna be with me for teh rest of my life. I can't imagine my life without her and she's only been my mom for a short very short little part. But she's my mom and I can leave with also on the past if it means so get to play happy family's and that's he keeps me first.

Colin had been texting me all day I can't text back right now because she's spending time with me and it's rude I text him while she is talking to me. Scarlett was the best thing that could of ever happened and Colin and her just changed my life for the better. What I wanna know is why this place is so empty but it's cold so maybe that's why.

" so we're going to the
Grocery store " she said now standing up and taking my hand I smiled as she dragged me back to the car.

Mother daughter delights is healthy wow am I really gonna be that kid? I mean really me? Well it seems like I'm
Gonna be heading that's way. You see looking back on everything these last few months really it's been a lot more then also it's been a lot less. I definitely would change how I reacted to certain things butI know that what drove me was hurt. My reactions were going of the fact I felt betrayed by someone I thought would never hurt me like that. I did know that she's trying I do I can see it now but how was I gonna be a good daughter for her when I can't take into account she's feeling like crap as much as I was. Like it wasn't hard for me to see I just ignored the fact she was hurting too.

Maybe I'm overthinking and it's not the time because she's trying to have a day to bond with me. " hey sweet pea" she said and I looked at her with a smile " lost you for a moment" and I nodded while chuckling. We got out of the car and it seemed the luck had run out because I saw flashing and I hit taken by surprise.

Scarlett's POV

It was too good to be true. I went round and I grabbed my novas hand and pulled her into me. She was just frozen and that's not good so I moved her back ans I walked her into the store they can't come in here because paps can't go into stores thank god. Those phtotos can't be sold so let's thank whoever. I pulled her aside ans she looked at me with a guilty face which took me by surprise because she did not have anything to feel guilty about. " I'm sorry I should of moved" ans I shushed her " no you reacted because you were surprised I was too but I guess you came first" and she smiled softly at that and I'm glad I swear I am

" let's get the stuff" I said and she nodded and we walked straight past the healthy stuff now normally I'd get something for rose even if it's for junk that we've come to the store I make sure she's eating something that's good for her b if with nova she's old enough to know and she's understands the tactics of most parenting tricks like hiding the veg and stuff because she's benne working with kids for so long she just understands so I can't use what I do on the younger ones on her because she'll know and she may get upset that I'm treating her in that way.but I'm not sure what else to do. I just have to hope she'll eat teh veg and fruit even if I've never actually seen my kid eat a salad.

She picked up one chocolate box ans it seemed like she was done but I spoke " you pick what you want it's a movie night not a one thing kinda thing" and She nodded and grabbed nimrod. I could see her eyes looking at other things so I put them in myself she's holding back I can see it hug she knows I know so she's letting me buy this stuff. Why is buying sweets so hard for us both because we've got so many chocolates but no sweets.

We checked out after much deliberation on if we shoudn get alcohol because I seem to forget my kid drinks too but she didn't want too and I don't want too so we didn't. We got cokes and other fizzy pops or as my child says fizzy drink. I think I'm very funny but I can't blame anyone for how I am I just do as I should.

Novas POV

" wow you two look like sisters" tha chaise said and I saw Scarlett smile wide but I knew he's just texting his luck not in a bad way but like he knows who she is and who I am too her an sis trying his luck for what I don't know but he's trying it. I thin it's funny to see him try when he has little to no canvas of talking to her ever gain after we're done with teh day. She'll very easily forget who he is and eventfully and I can't wait to just be done and sleep.


Remember to drink water

My Messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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