Chapter seventeen

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Novas POV

I felt someone tap my shoulder and I first gripped onto the Abby that now wasn't there so I opened my eyes in panic. I was met with Scarlett " shit sorry it's okay you fell asleep novie" she said quickly and I sighed going back against the couch " how long?" And I she smiled " you Cosmo and rose fell asleep half an hour in. It was very cute the three of you snoring" and I groaned " wow" I got up and she smiled " come on let's get you to bed" and I shook my head " no no I'll be fine I'm grown" and she tilted her head " I don't stem no for an answer novalie you should know that by now" she said and I nodded im too tired to say anything.she walked to my room and I smiled and turned to face her " go to bed Scarlett" I said putting my hands on her shoulders and turning her around " find goodnight novie" she said Turing to me and I smiled " night Scarlett" and I went into my room.

I woke up the next day and I knew it's like a good day but also a lot of pressure because it's my first proper day with the kids.

This should be fine

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This should be fine. I went downstairs and I saw Scarlett with Cosmo in her arms trying to make pancakes. " nova" she said like I was saving her I went and took Cosmo of her and I gave him his toy. " you could of called me" and she shook her head " I just picked him up ans I knew you'd be down" ans I nodded sitting down with Cosmo " rose is in the other room watching cartoons." She said and I nodded she played the pancakes and smiled " okay any emergency you call me or text me if you need anything  novalie I mean it" and I nodded " okay I've got everything I'll be back as soon as I can" she said coming forward to kiss cosmos head and then she went into the other room and I followed her dose was sat down " hey baby I've gotta go" she said and rose got up and hugged her " see you mama" and she smiled " be good for nova bye" ans she went. Rose looked at me and so did Cosmo " first of al let's eat those pancakes you're mama made us" and rose nodded and Cosmo made a noise so I'm assuming he's agreed. I put Cosmo into the high chair and fed him while rose and I talked about her barbies.

" so Rosie what do you wanna do today" and she smiled " can we go play football in the garden and swim?" Ans I nodded I mean it's warm so I can take them out in the pool. " okay do you know where you're mama keeps you're swim clothes" and she nodded " and I know where cosmos pool pants are" and I nodded thank god for the kid.

She dragged me upstairs Cosmo is a very quite child I've notice she mocks his business ans doesn't  bother anyone. I got him changed first and laid him on roses floor. I put a little baby fence around him and put some toys in there so he can lay and play. Good thing he can't crawl but just in case it's better.

" okay what are we wearing princess?" And she smiled pulling out a bright pink bathing suit. So I won't lose her at least. " okay you're choice" and she nodded I helped her change but she was really fine. I did have her put on a dress over just because I didn't want her running a round in just a bathing suit. I had also gotten Ganges and I took the two kids down to the back garden. " now rules first Rosie. No going in that pool without these on" I put her arm bands on because I could carry her but I have a baby Cosmo and she woudkbt stay in my arms that long either. " and you do as I say the water can be dangerous if you don't listen to me okay?" And she nodded " I understand" and I nodded I had to put sun cream on them both too because I don't need red babies.

I decided that Cosmo needed a sun hat too because he looks cute and the sun wouldn't hurt his eyes. The pool was cold but not like ice cold. Rose was swimming's round and Cosmo was enjoying splashing me in the face. We spent about half an hour in there but I could see rose getting tired from straight swimming's rn it was cosmos nap time anyway so I smiled at herb" how about we go in get you fries and you take a nap while I cook us some lunch?" And she nodded she actually yawned which confirmed just how tired she was. I had gotten her changed first and then Cosmo and I slid them both down on the couch. Cosmo ofcourse in his basket while rose was in a blanket pile. Botha ere now sound asleep so I went into the kitchen. I put the swim clothes into the wash and I'd changed myself because I can't walk around like that.

I decided to make pasta salad it'd be easier for Cosmo to try to feed himself with But it's good for rose to. I'd done making the chairman and the pasta was boiling when I got a text.


Hey novs how's everything?

And I smiled I checked the pasta and it's fine so replied to her

Good the kids are napping
and I'm getting lunch ready

Oh rose is napping too?

Yeh we went swimming
she was very tired after

Well I'm glad you three
Had fun I'll be back
Soon I hope

Don't worry no rush

I'll see you soon bye x

Byeeeee x

I'd realised that the pasta wa a probably made so I darkens it and I fiancés up lunch and just in time rose wales in rubbing her eyes " I'm hungry" she whined mad I smiled " good thing I made lunch huh?" Ans she smiled then " really?" And I. Nodded putting her plate down. I went to see if I had to wake the baby but he was up already " come on you let's get you fed. "


Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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