Chapter twenty four

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Scarlett's POV

I got a call from a No ID caller which never happens. You'd think it would be often but it's not because I'm less likely to answer those but I felt as if I had to answer so I did. " hello?" Ans I heard a person speak " hi is this miss johansson It's detective Jefferson" and I sighed this is the guy who's leading my child's investigation " hi yes it is?" Ans he spoke again " hi I was calling because I think we found you're child miss. We aren't 100% sure and as soon as we can get into contact with her and get there DNA it should help. But they may not want to or we may not be able to find them" Ans I nodded great hope is going "do you know her name?" And he spoke " yes well from what we've found she was Named nova" and I let my mouth drop. Not a coincidence. " what if I happened to get the DNA" I asked and he spoke fast " we'd have to get it ourselves for the investigation but of record if you take things into you're own hands we can't stop you" and I realised he can't actually say any of that to me but he did. He's always helped me and I'm happy that he's still in it.

I ended the call and I went onto a site. Before I could even think about anything I ordered one. I got a kit. Oh shit I got a kit. Do I tell her? No what if its bull. I can't let her think that's why I hired her but also I need to know. Maybe I can sneakily do it. I think I can manage to do that. No promises obviously but I think if I do it she won't be that mad.

She won't know unless she's mine then I don't think I'll be able to stop myself holing the precious thing hostage. I hope she's mine honestly.

I went upstairs and I saw Colin stood outside cosmos door smiling and he put his hand up to shush me before I could ask what he was doing. I heard novas voice but she wasn't speaking English she was singing though.
And then the song stopped and yeh door opened and how am I in the situation again?! I panicked but she was stood there looking at us " really making a habit of this huh?" Ans I shook my head "It was him I just came!" And Colin turn to look at me " wow thanks" and I shrugged what do I do I look like a creep if I take the blame. And I really did only just turn up.

Colin and I went to our room and ofcourse I don't keep anything from him so I told him everything " and you still haven't told her!" He whispered slash yelled at me. " no I haven't!" And that made him roll his eyes at me because the man is done with me. I don't know what he wants he knew what he married. I can't tell her because I can't play shut up.

" scar the longer you don't say anything to the girl it's gonna be worse. Nothing stays hidden and if she does turn out to be you're kid I know you" and I scoffed " and what does that mean" and he shook his head " you are a affectionate person scar. You're love language is physical affection. The kids never had that. And when she finds out we've kept this from her she'll distance herlsef and then you won't get those cuddles and time with her. If she finds out you're her mother the girl will resent you for not saying anything" okay maybe he has a point. " I'll think about it" is what I said which seemed to be enough to stop him from telling me more.

Novas POV

I got up to the sound of Scarlett " novalieeee" and I groaned and turned over " novaaaaaa" and I turns d to galre at her I caught the time omg it's 6am " whattt!" I groaned and she smirked a little " you wanna go for a run" and I glared at her " Scarlett ingrid johansson I am going to speak to you as a rune snot as my boss right now. When it's 6am and you ask me that question the answer is always no. Never wake me before half 7!" And she nodded " so that's a no" and I chucked a pillow at her " go!" Ans she laughed while leaving what the fuck! Why the hell did she think that was a good idea please?

I did fall back to sleep and when I woken up this time the little blonde was sleeping next to me now. I'd don't question it I closed my eyes and pulled her closer. " so what's where she went" I heard being whispered and then I heard Colin " should we wake them?" And Scarlett spoke " no I woke novs up very early and rose didn't sleep last night because of that nightmare let them both just sleep" and I cuddled closer to ros ethe poor thing. I dunno why she ended up in my bed but I will not complain.

" hey kid" I said whne I realised she'd woken up and she smiled " hi nova" and I rolled onto my back " you give nice cuddles" she said and I smiled " how did you get in here" o asked and she gave me a smile " I wanted to ask you to have breakfast with me after mama left you're room I woke up from a nightmare but you're bed sheets are soft and I was comfortable so I didn't move" she said and I nodded okay understandable " are you feeling better now" I asked and she nodded I looked to se ethe time was 1pm and I sighed I had to get up.

I took rose down and we saw Colin and Scarlett in the garden with Cosmo " they have awoken" Colin said and Scarlett turned while smiling " you two good?" And we nodded.


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Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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