Chapter ninety one

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Novas POV

I did start eating the  breakfsat she's made us and I'd did offer up help wash up I swear but she gave me such a threatening look and I knew then  and regret that wasn't a good idea for me. I know not to push her when she wants somethings sun I know she wants me to relax and not do that so I moved to the living room and went on my phone.

It's strange how I can get so lost in my phone and not even realise how much trike has gone. Past because I didn't know that it's been as long as it had. I was doing well and watching tiktoks to pass the time but what felt like 2 ssecoumds Scarlett stood wher smiling " I may have chose you're outfit" and I nodded she really does love to dress me I won't complain I wear the same outfits but she somehow makes new ones out of what I have. I went up the stairs to see my clothes laid out for me. Even teh shows and socks were out for me. " I erm I'm gonna go change be ready don't take ages" she said leaving me to get banged. She'd chose cargo pants with a black shirt and a jacket for me. I had platform sneakers and then ankle socks. She did well I was wearing brown which is the only colour I like on myself  now. I think it's the only one that really suits me.

I started to comb my hair and she came
I'm and smiled " you ready?" Ans I nodded as I sprayed some perfume on myself and then I turned and smiled " yes let's ho" and she nodded and we left.

" wait where are we going?" I asked and she smiled " gotta get our nails done don't we?" Ans I looked bay her she looks very happy and yeh it's my day but I feel this means a lot more to her then she's letting on, I guess I'll ask her later because I don't wanna burst this bubble she's in right now. I want her to stay happy and yeh she's my mom.

I got out of her car and I'm glad there's not a heep of people surrounding us liek I've seen before because it's our day and I don't wnat anything to go wrong.

Scarlett's POV

I got up and I smiled down at my daughter who was walking wbu one me. She knows that I like to keep her away from all of the paps I don't believe we're ever alone. I think there's always someone ready to hit a button if they get paid or not there is always someone. I know nails can cost but it's nova ans I'd pay any amount of what she got made her happy. I trust this place I've been coming here since I can remember and they treat me well.

I walked in and kali smiled at me " hi Scarlett it's Been-a. Little while" Ans I smiled "
It has this is my daughter nova" and she smiled and shook novas hand. Usually nova doesn't like nee people but she's actually doing very well right now. " how about you both head over here and jen and Lisa can start with you both?" Ans I nodded that's perfect because it's the other end away from people and she knows and understands after so many years I need Privacy.

" baby?" I asked and she nodded " do you know what you want" and she nodded and showed me a picture of green sage nails ina design and smiled. " they are pretty" Ans she makes veley she was happy that I liked them. Lisa was working with nova and they were talking whole Jen And I started to catch up " do I never heard you had an eldest?" She said while
Smirking at me and I smiled " you already know the story" and she nodded "'I do but I don't believe everything I read you know that you taught me it" and I nodded she's right " well it's true. I gave her up and now she's back in my life" ans she nodded " so can I assume this is a mother disgusted day?" Ans I nodded " in that case it's a
Special discount" Ans I trie stop speak but she stopped me " you've been such a loyal customer and you know I never charge you when you pop out a baby's name well it seems you're king I've due for the first"
And I smiled
And nodded she's always known so much about me and I know she'd always keep it to herself even if she needs anything in exchange she's ask me instead of ever betraying me. Jen is who always did my animal and yeh she's my age but we both understand that we can trust each other eid she ever needs help I ask she tells me and I can do what I can. He's husband wa sgetying deported a couple years back ivee something he has nothing to do with so I set my lawyers up With taht case is I could make sure it was going well for them and that they had a fair chance.

Novas POV

Lisa was telling me how much I look like
My mum and I knew she was trying to make me comfortable and I could see how comfortable my mum wa sos I'd evaders I'd give it a go. " have you ever got you're nails done before this?" Ans I shook my head " never wa able to what with my job and all" Ans she nodded smiling " you have a different accent" Ans I nodded " I'm English" Ans she smiled " my dad is too what part?" And I smiled " Yorkshire around there" and she smiled wide "
My dads from Manchester" Ans I nodded " northerners" and she nodded " yeh you both sound kinda the same I won't lie and you talk kinda the same too exclsgt he's lived here so long with ark and his accent is fading" Ans I nodded that's can happen


Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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