Chapter fifteen

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Novas POV

" they didn't deserve you" is all she said and I nodded I mean what do I say to that? " erm on to better notes how long have you and Robbie been together Lizzie?" Ans she nodded knowing I don't wanna talk about any of this any longer. She smiled and played with her ring " we've been to together 5 years" and I smiled " that's really sweet" and she nodded " he's amazing  and I'm really happy I get to send the rest of my life with him" I really hope I get to talk about someone the day she does Robbie. With the love and care in her eyes. I wanna talk about someone just like that. " Scarlett and Colin are my couple inspiration" she said and Scarlett blushed " I got an amazing man" and she looked at me " is there anyone special in you're life novs?" And I sighed " no no I wasn't aloud to date" and she raised an eyebrow " well you're an adult and not at home you can do what you want" ans I nodded " I guess I can" ans Lizzie spoke " no guessing you can"

I'm an adult, why is this just hitting me I guess I'm still kinda stuck in those rules. Even if I'm done with them it's just the way I grew up. Like it's just programmed into me. I really have to shut up though because I'm getting comfortable and I can't it's my job. I can't risk losing it because how the hell am I gonna survive out here without a home or any money. I'd have to go back to o England and live with my parents and that ain't happening I don't care if I'm homeless they've probably turned my room into a bathroom by now. " oh nova are you coming with us to the gala?" Lizzie asked me and I shrugged do kids go to that? I assume I'll be taking care of the kids as that's my job. " actually she is. That's one of the only days Colin gets of and he'd rather spend it with the kids then in a suit waiting for me to be done talking so unfortunately for nova she's replacing him" Scarlett said seeming to be very happy with this but I'm confused that's not ny job. " you wnat me to go?" And she nodded " yep but tomorrow I've got a fitting and Colin's at work so you'll have both my nightmares I meant kids" she said smiling and I chuckled I can't actually wait. " speaking of which we should get back" she said frowning at her phone Lizzie nodded and got up to hug her. She came to me and smiled " I am aloud to hug you?" And I nodded I won't say it out loud but I think I like the hug thing. She hugged me and I contained the smile that was fighting it's way out. " I'll see you both later" she said.

Scarlett drove us home and she sighed " Cosmo apparently won't stop crying" and I could feel her stress and she hadn't even said anything else. I mean I get it I hurt when I see baby's cry I can't imagine how it is for the mother. We got it de and as soon as the door opened you could hear a crying Cosmo. Scarlett walked very fast into the room and took him from colin but that didn't seem to work at all. It's like he's just crying for teh sake of it. But I can't tell he's tense " can I try?" I asked and she looked like she wasn't convinced " please?" And she nodded handing him to me. I gently held him so his tummy was on my arm and he stopped crying. His face was on my hand and he was relaxed. Which meant the kids definitely done a number two. He's constipated which I've seen I baby say a kid called will and he had very bad constipation he's the whole reason I know this trick. " how did you know?" And I shrugged as I loved Cosmo in my arm to settle him more " h e was tense and will always cried in the same way so I just guess I can tell" and she tilted her head with a. Small smile " will? Sarah's youngest?" And I nodded he's the whole reason I baby sat for them. He wasn't planned and you could tell because his mom had just started a full time job as ceo of her own company. His dad would always travel so having will meant that she had to stay home. But that's where I can's in. She worked from home but when I was free she'd have me come watch him and the others while she went to work, I loved that job wills Turing 5 now and he doesn't really notice I'm gone I think. " okay colin you're changing the little guy" Scarlett said tapping him but he sighed " ofcourse I am" and she smiled " I had to push that big baby head out of me so yes you are" and he nodded and saluted at her " yes ma'am" he took Cosmo from me who stirred abit but didn't make a noise thank god. " nova can you watch rose while I cook dinner" ans I nodded rose had been say colouring this whole time. I sat down on the floor next to her and she looked up and smiled " hi nov" and I smiled okay that's a nee name. " hey rosey" and she gave me a goofy smile " do you wanna colour?" She asked me and I looked at her book " you pick what you wnat me to colour and I'll do it" which seemed to excite the kid because she started to flick threw the book very fast. " this one!" And it's a picture a older women holdings. Younger womens hand. Okay let's try this. " I gotta say rosey I'm a amazing colourist" and she nodded " well prove it then" she said and I nodded grabbing some pencils I'm gonna take this seriously .


I tried

Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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